Chapter Thirty-Four.

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Whilst walking around the house, there seems to be a calmness to it. Furniture glided over the floor as Liz moved it around, ready to sweep under them, the sound of the soft bristles against the wood, almost soothing. Liz felt that the further into the rooms she cleaned, the brighter they started to feel. Becoming rooms that were inviting rather than dark and not so full of dust. That's the only issue she finds when it comes to living here with just her and Michael - they don't use every room often as its a little bigger than they needed, meaning dust would gather in places that Liz would never even think of. 

The fact that Michael was coming home today made Liz ecstatic. She couldn't contain her excitement as she ran up stairs to get ready. Her outfit was already laid on the bed, flat so not to gain any creases. The navy dress fell to just above her knee's, and would come up high with a loose bow that would be tied at the lowest point of her neck. The arms were short, but had white lace to hem them, making them appear longer than they actually were. Liz had already decided she was going to wear skin coloured tights and her navy heels to match the dress - all she needed to do now was her hair and makeup.

All morning, her hair had been tied on top of her head and she wore nothing on her face as she cleaned the house top to bottom, wanting to to be perfect for her love. She even baked freshly baked bread - which was currently cooling on the kitchen counter. Liz moves to sit down infront of her mirror at the dressing table situated in her's and Michael's bedroom.  She glances down at the makeup she has laid out infront of her, excited to paint her face. As a young girl, she had always been so interested in makeup from when her mother used to open up her own bag of goodies. She would sit and paint her mothers face all sorts of colours, not ever using the right makeup product for the right part of her face but her mother didn't care. 

Situating herself infront of the mirror she  looked at the products laid out infront of her. Although she had always had her interest in makeup from a young age, Liz never really bothered to wear it, her youthful face was enough for most people without having to cover it up. Liz couldn't remember the last time she left the house without even a smudge of eyeliner on, let alone a completely naked face. After some time, Liz is finally ready and smiles at herself in the mirror, ready to go to Tommy's. 


Liz taps her fingers on the table, partly from nerves after not seeing Michael for so long but also excitement. Polly is pottering around, placing drinks on the table and getting Tommy a new pen when his ran out. Ada is sat opposite, creating small talk between the four of them. The sound of a walking stick alerted Liz that Michael had entered the building. She stands up and takes a deep breath. As he comes into view, Polly walks over and places her arms around his neck giving him a hug. Michael's gaze turns to Liz, his expression softening and the tight feeling he had his in his check slowly disappearing. He had missed not seeing her from being in hiding, wishing he could hold her everyday and the time was finally here. She smiles at him and walks forward. HIs head instantly buries itself into her neck, giving her small kisses and holding her tight. 

"Hey baby" he whispers, taking in the smell of her perfume he missed so dearly. 

"Hey you" she whispers back, pulling her head off her shoulder and planting a kiss on his lips. The pair part and move forward, Michael keeping his free arm around Liz's waist, wanting to keep her close and not let go. 

"Michael... we are in a grave situation. Tommy has a plan" Polly places a glass down on the set of drawers beside her and watches Michael closely. "Instead of going to Australia... You're going to New York"  Liz's hand clutches onto Michael's arm tightly, her smile dropping. 

"Why?" he asks, looking around the room. Tommy hadn't even greeted Michael or turned in his direction since he came in. 

"Because the company has business to attend to in America" Ada finally looks up after also not making any eye contact. 

"Will I be coming back?" Michael asks, staring at Tommy. There was silence for a while until he finally replied.

"Train leaves in an hour Michael" 

"This is a joke right?" Liz steps forward, letting go of Michael's arm. No one would look at her. 

"You made a choice Michael, you knew I was going to be shot and you chose not to tell me" Tommy puts his cigarette to his mouth. 

"I chose my mum" Michael grunts, his eyes narrowing. 

"When all this business is over, we will all be free to make our own choices" Polly gives him a small smile. 

"You get the train to Liverpool and then the SS Monroe. Your boat sails tomorrow" Tommy picks up an envelope and passes it to Michael. "Now you can go" 

"Well I'm going with him" Liz declares, picking up her jacket. 

"No. You're staying put. There is business for you to take care of here" Tommy finally looks up at Liz's face. For once, no tears were to be shown. She didn't feel upset over the situation but more angry. Not one of them told her this was what the meeting was about, and sprung it on her just as much as they did with Michael. 

"You can shove your business up your arse. I'm not staying" She glares at him. 

"Liz. I am telling you now. you are NOT going to New York" Tommy gets to his feet, towering over her. 

"you fucking watch me Thomas Shelby. You make my love hide away for weeks not letting me see him, and now the first time I do you give me 1 fucking hour? fuck you. I CHOOSE how long I get to spend time with him, and right now, I AM going to New York with Michael" Liz steps forward, trying to get as close to Tommy's face as possible "You got that?" she hisses, turning on her heel and walking towards Michael who has a small smirk on his face. Their hand entwine as they leave the building together, huge smiles now plastered on their faces. 

"To New York" Liz jumps, making Michael laugh.

"New York it is" He pulls her close, and kisses her like he had never kissed her before.

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