Chapter Three.

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The working day was slowly coming to an end. Elizabeth felt quite relieved about this, but felt the only way her day would be able to finish on a high is with an alcoholic beverage in her hand. She pen hadn't left the paper she was writing on all day other than between slip changes and her lunch or toilet breaks. Michael would look up occasionally and found himself impressed by her hard-work ethic, but wouldn't ever express that to her. There was a small knock on the door.

"Come in" Michael's gruff voice filled the room. Elizabeth hadn't heard him speak all day as any meetings he had he left the room for. Isaiah Popped his head around the door and walked in smiling. Liz looked up and smiled back, but kept her head down. She only had one more sheet to do before she was done for the day. Both Isaiah and Michael sat and spoke for a bit as Liz finally managed to finish her work. 

"Right, Day rate, seven shillings" Michael places something on the table and slides it across. "loading, unloading. Night rate three" he continues, clearly talking business. Liz felt like she wanted to know exactly what business but also felt Michael would just about loose his temper if she tried to interfere. "Total, ten" he scribbles on a piece of paper.

"Lets go and get a drink" Isaiah takes a drag of the cigarette that he had lit. Michael looks up from his desk, contemplating as to whether he thought it was a good idea. "No I'm alright" he quickly glances over towards Liz, who still looked to be finishing off her work, then back down to the piece of paper he was writing on.

"Come on, it's payday" Isaiah wines "Everyone has a drink on payday" Liz felt herself smirk, as in New York, she would tend to go back to her apartment and have a small drink. "Not me" Michael didn't even look up from the desk. He knew that the more Isaiah kept on, the more annoyed he would get. 

"you don't think your mum don't have a drink on payday? you think - the Lord Almighty don't have a drink on payday? he chuckles, taking another drag of the cigarette. Michael yet again ignores him, trying to count the shillings on the desk infront of him. "come on man, there will be plenty of women. They even go out on their own without men these days|" Isaiah catches Michaels eye and wiggles his eyebrows up and down. Liz noticed that Michael didn't seem the slightest bit amused and cocked his own eyebrow inquisitively. "They aren't going to serve me without a Shelby by my side at the Marquis" he leans forward on the desk. 

"Oh, so you're using me?" Michael leans back in turn.  "yeah, so come on man. Liz, you coming?" Isaiah glances over towards her. Michael's face fell. "No" he says, bluntly. "Why not? not going to cause harm, its just a payday drink right Liz?" Isaiah laughs. Liz gets up from her desk and straightens out her figure hugging dress. Michael couldn't help but notice how nice it actually looked on her. "Only if Michael says so" she glances at him. Both of them wait in silence as he makes his decision. He finally nods his head yes and they all get their coats on. Isaiah is still chatting away, but Liz caught Michael glaring at her every once in a while. Was this a good idea? they didn't seem to be getting along in the slightest, so why on earth would he, or even she agree this?


Walking into the Marquis, there were plenty of people milling around. Mostly men, but there were quite a few groups of women who seemed to have come out on their own. 

"Two Whiskeys please and a ..." Isaiah looks towards Liz for her order. "Same please" she smiles.

"Three whiskeys" he slams his hand down on the bar. Michael had taken out a cigarette and placed it gently between his lips before setting it alight, then taking a drag. They found a small booth to sit in to drink their drinks. Liz was very quite during this time. Although the first night when she met them in the Garrison and conversation was flowing, she was talking so much no one could stop her, but she was with Thomas and Arthur also, whom she felt comfortable with. Sometimes when meeting new people she can be quite shy, which would surprise most. She was sat in the booth next to Michael whilst Isaiah was opposite. 

"How was your first day then? he asks, looking between me and Michael. "It was ok" she shrugs.

"Bearable" Michael huffs. Liz just rolls her eyes and takes a sip of her drink. She wasn't sure how he could say it was just 'bearable' when they hardly exchanged two words when in the office. After a few drinks, the three of them seemed to warm up. Liz started to believe that maybe her and Michael would only get on when there was alcohol involved? 

Two girls sauntered over to the table and squeezing in next to Isaiah, obviously not noticing Liz sat in the corner. Completely ignoring her, they started to speak to the boys. 

"you're peaky blinders aren't you?" one of the girls starts to flatter her eyes towards Michael, who doesn't seem the least bit interested. "indeed" Isaiah laughs, putting his arm around the second girl. "Thats so hot" she first one smiles, now biting her lip as well as fluttering he eyes at Michael. Liz was starting to get a little pissed that they were completely ignoring her. She gives a little cough, causing them to turn to her. 

"Oh I'm sorry, but who are you?" the one questions. Her short black hair framed her face, making her look fierce. "I'm-" Liz was about to introduce herself, but noticed how they were staring at her, then whispering to each other and laughing. Michael placed his arm around her waist slyly for them not to see, almost as if comforting Liz. "I think its time for you to leave" Liz spits. They look shocked at her response. "I don't think so Miss Piggy" the one laughs, pointing towards Liz's face which had infact gone a little pink from the drink. Liz looked towards Michael and noticed his jaw was clenched and his nostrils flaring. "I think you need to leave, now" he says sternly. The girls started to strop, but still walked off. Liz looked at Michael, giving him a look of gratitude, which he accepted. Squeezing her side he let go, his hands now back to himself. It wasn't before long we had another man come up to us. 

"I don't drink with Blacks" he spits towards Isaiah. "here we fucking go" Isaiah turns towards the man. "Paddy, they're ok" the barman nods to Paddy, the man who was complaining. "Not with me they're not. I don't drink in pubs with blacks" 

"Then leave" Liz takes a sip of her drink. Paddy breaks his eye contact with Isaiah and turns to Liz with pure hatred in his face. Michael turns to face Paddy to block Liz's view, and to also protect her from anything that could happen. 

"Paddy, leave it" the barman warns again.

"and I'm telling you I want this darkie to get out" he moved closer towards them. "Oh fuck off!" Isaiah shouts.

"Come on, lets go to my cousins pub instead" Michael stands, holding out a hand towards Liz. He was pushing the fact they didn't really see eye to eye aside to make sure she was able to leave here safe.

"But I like it here" Isaiah doesn't stop staring at Paddy. There was a minute silence before Paddy swings a punch at his face. Michael ducks out of the way and sits Liz back in the booth. "Stay fucking there" he points at her, before trying to help Isaiah, throwing punches at Paddy's friends.  Liz stared In shock, too scared to stay but too scared to go. What on earth was she to do? She sat further back into the booth and curled up into a ball. Violence never got to her before. Not before her parents died 2 years ago. Thats why as soon as she could she upped and went to New York, to get away. She tried to stay out of any Business that Robbie ever did. Glass was smashed on the bar, elbows in faces and punches to stomachs. "Paddy! he's fucking Polly Gray's son! its fucking Polly's son! are you suicidal?!" the barman screams at him. Liz still hadn't seen Polly, Tommy said she was away on business so hopefully she will get the chance to see her soon. The fighting stopped abruptly, causing silenced to fall over the pub. 

"Get the fuck out" Michael spits. Paddy and his men rush out of the bar, shouting 'fuck' and 'fucking Polly's son oh fuck!" to each other. Michael, breathing hard from the fighting, runs towards Liz. "You ok?" he asks, and she just nods in reply. "Lets go" he holds his hand out to her, which she takes. The three of them make their way out of the bar, almost a if nothing happened. 

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