Chapter Fourteen.

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Michael stares at Liz whilst she slept. Tears stained her cheeks from where she cried herself to sleep. The guilt runs through Michaels body like a virus, as well as feeling hungover. Why wasn't he there for her? If he had been with Liz then she wouldn't of needed to go looking for him. He should of let Isaiah deal with that girl that wanted cocaine. How stupid. Anger surges through him at the girl who's name he didn't even know. How she tried to kiss him when it wasn't something he had insinuated at all during their time in that room.

Liz stirs in her sleep, her eyes fluttering open to be face to face with Michael.

"Good Morning" She cracks, her throat sore from screaming and crying the previous night.

"Morning baby" Michael's voice was just as coarse, Liz smelling the whiskey on his breath.

"I'm so sorry" he looks deep into her eyes, tears forming. Liz places her hand on Michael's cheek, shocked as she had never seen him look so hurt.

"I'm sorry too. I can't blame you for that bastards actions" She whispers, more tears falling down her face. Liz didn't think she had anymore tears left after last night. The two pull each other in for a kiss, their legs entwining each others. Michael pulls himself on top, yanking Liz's nightdress off in the process. His mouth moves from hers down to her breasts, kissing one whilst his hand grips the other. Liz moans in delight.

"Out of bed! Now! You're both needed down stairs" John barges into the room without knocking. Michael jumps off Liz, whilst she tries not to laugh, grabbing the covers and moving them over herself.

"Jesus Christ John" Michael pants, glaring at his cousin. John laughs, wiggling his eyebrows before leaving the room, keeping the door wide open. Michael rolls his eyes.

"Sorry about that Love" he pecks her on the lips, before rolling out of bed and quickly running towards the door to close it. The pair rush to get ready and head downstairs.


"We started business with he Russian lasts night. One of them was killed. Thats all you need to know. Michael, I need you to head to the office, sort out some of our finances. We bought in a considerable amount of money last night. I'm sure we will now have more money than all of those toffs put together. Liz, you'll be going with John to a meeting with Vicente Changretta. Keep your mouth shut" he points towards Liz, who nods. John looks in her direction, nodding for her to follow him. It's very rare that she ever actually goes to any sort of meeting other than ones that are inside of the office. Being an accountant in the company generally means she actually rarely does anything other than the figures, so its nice to feel like she is being trusted more and more. She walks out of the building, bumping Into her brother on the way out.

"Elizabeth" He nods, giving a small smile.

"Robert" She hisses, catching his shoulders, or rather the bottom half of his arm due to her height, on the way out of the door. She doesn't look back when he tries to call her name again, instead, keeping her head straight as she hops in the car, and waits for John to start the engine and drive away.

when they reach their destination, Liz could see a table and chairs set up, Arthur stood infront of it. Isaiah and Finn were also there, waiting patiently for whoever it was they were waiting for to arrive, Liz not being able to remember the name Tommy has said. John takes a seat at the table, Liz stands behind him.

"Liz" Arthur smiles, nodding towards her. She smiles back, feeling a little lost as to why she was there. Soon enough, someone in a beige coat rocks up. Finn and Isaiah walks towards him, feeling his down for any weapons, before leading him towards the table.

"Well... you asked for a meeting out in the open. fresh air and the aroma of shit... neutral ground you said" Arthur crosses his hands infront of him, welcoming the guest. Liz stands awkwardly, moving side to side on her heels.

"This is hardly neutral ground" the man spoke, Liz not being able to work out the thick accent he had. It was almost like a mix of Italian and American.

"Well, its what you've got. so, Por Favour, sit down" Arthur takes a seat next to John.

"Where is Thomas?" The man asks. John smiles before replying "He got called away" the man starts to argue that he said he would be here.

"We told you, he got called away. What do you want?" John asks. The man sighs, looking around at the men stood before him. Two of his own men behind him with their arms crossed. He looks up and catches Liz's eye, staring at her before continuing.

"There has been a peace, between the Peaky Blinders and the Changretta family for two years now..." but John cuts him off.

"Do you want some tea or not? Liz, pour the Italians some English tea why don't you love" John turns to Liz, smiling. She nods politely, moving towards the teapot on the table.

"We don't want fucking tea!" the man shouts in her face. Liz doesn't even flinch at his reaction, instead, she just stares back, and places the teapot down with such Force the handle breaks off. She doesn't move her eyes from him until he continues to talk.

"We want an explanation" he says, lowering his voice. the conversation moved forward, onto how the little Venice restaurant was burnt down, and how he believes we did it to stop his son from going to Tommy's wedding. Arthur throws his tea to the floor, spitting it out.

"Its cold" he explains. John sniggers and Liz can't help but smile.

"Please tell Tommy, that we pay him whatever he asks us to pay. We stay out of the city and off the tracks. But, you tell him from me, that my son, will walk with any woman in this city. ANY woman he chooses. even if that woman works for the emperor Thomas Shelby. My son is in love, and if he wishes, he will walk with the woman he loves" The man leans forward on the table. Liz clocked on that the son they were talking about was the man that Liz was arguing with Arthur and Michael over at the wedding before she fell and cut herself.

"Okay" John snorts, trying to conceal his laughter. "You know, it would be hard for your son to walk, if he had a bullet in each knee, wouldn't it?" he pours himself some tea, despite Arthur saying it was cold.

"Too much. You've said too much my friend. Sabini says 'suck and swallow' but NO. too much, I spit" the man is now filled with anger, spitting towards the boys but only for it to land on Liz's shoe.

"My son will walk with whoever he chooses, even if its her" the man points towards Liz.

"I wouldn't walk with your son for as long Im alive" Liz hisses, making eye contact with the man, also disobeying Tommy's orders to keep his mouth shut. He starts to speak in Italian, before walking off. one of his men grabs a chair and smashes it to pieces.

"Cleaning this fucking shit up. and don't tell Tommy about the chair" Arthur growls, pointing to Finn and Isaiah.

"We're not scared of fucking wops!" John shouts. "Alright John" Arthur grunts, walking away from them. John shakes his head, before walking up to Liz.

"you alright love?" he asks, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine" she nods, glancing into the direction of the car that had pulled away. "who is that?"

"The Italian? that is Vicente Changretta. Not listen to Tommy this morning then?" John smirks, making his way towards their own car. Liz just rolls her eyes as she gets into the passenger seat.

"Just take me to the office, John"

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