Chapter Twenty-Six.

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The shouts of other inmates could be heard through the building, echoing off the walls. Liz sometimes felt like if she closed her eyes, she could hear Michael shouting, but she knew that wouldn't be the case. He would be just as terrified as she was. Her legs were crossed beneath her on the bed, her back leaning against the wall. 

"In.... Out..." Liz takes deep breaths. She finds this helps with the panic attacks that she has been having since she was in here. Every time she tried to go to sleep all she could picture was Thomas Shelby, and how he had a warrant out of her arrest along with the others. How the officers came barging in and taking them away one by one, and every time she sees this memory, she starts to panic. Her chest tightens and she struggles to breath, hence the breathing exercises. The sound of keys could be heard jingling down the corridor along with footsteps. 

"Patterson" A woman's voice could be heart, along with keys in the lock and the bars sliding open. Liz's eyes shoot open as she glances towards the entrance of the cell. "up" The woman demands. Liz does as she's told, as when she first arrived she soon learned her attitude would get her no where after the way they punished her for spitting on a guard. The officers and hit her and put her in a dark, damp cell with no light whatsoever for the night. The woman walks forward and takes Liz's arm to lead her out of the cell, when she catches sight of a priest. 

"Sunday is it?" Liz asks, but the priest merely just looks to the floor. Dread instantly floods her body as they walk further away from the cell, the priest and one other officer following. "Whats going on?" she asks, her voice shaking. No one responds, instead, they lead her down some stairs and through a wooden door, where Polly is standing with two officers. 

"No" Polly cries, not looking at Liz. She follows Polly's gaze and what she see's, makes her legs go weak and stomach flip. A man next to a leaver watched them both as they studied the two nooses on the platform, made specially for them. 

"What? no... no please" Liz also cries, her legs now completely giving way as she crumbles to the floor in sobs, two of the officers holding her arms which put pressure on the cuffs locked on Liz's wrists. 

"Liz" Polly sobs, watching the young girl fall to the ground. She was only young.  Her whole life was ahead of her, Polly thought. This cannot be happening to her. 

Soon they start to walk forward, trying to resist the officers but it was no use. Both women were up on the platform, the ropes being put around their necks. Liz lets out a whimper as the rope is tightened and felt like it was already choking her. Tears silently fell down her face as she listened to Polly.

"Help Lord Jesus, With this rope, pull me up to Heaven. I see your face shining down on me"  Polly whispers. Liz wishes the same, after everything that has happened in the pasts he pleaded the lord to pull her to heaven and not let her drop to hell. She lets out one last sob, as her thoughts go to Michael. His handsome face flashes infront of her in different memories of the past. Their pillow talk, him laughing at something stupid she had said. When he looked after her after she was shot. The way he would protect her without a doubt, except today. Today he could not. 

"I love you Michael" She whispers. 

"WAIT" Liz's eyes shoot open for the second time that day, setting her sight on a man that was running towards them with a piece if paper in his hand. The girl froze, holding her breath, unbeknown as to what was about to happen. After the paper was read, within seconds, the noose from around her neck was loosened and removed. Liz stood their in shock at first, until her body seemed to come to life and react to her emotion of total relief. She sobbed harder than she ever had done before as she collapsed to the ground, thanking the lord for the miracle. 

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