Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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Readjusting her black hat, and wrapping her coat around her more tightly to keep the cold out, Liz steps forward towards the trailer, a rose in hand. She closes her eyes, thinking back to memories of her and John from when she was a child to more recent. She places her bright red lips on the rose, kissing it, before resting it on the wood that surrounded the trailer. 

"I'll never forget you John" she whispers, a tear sliding down her face.  She know's that if he didn't have that gun and didn't try to protect any of them that day she would probably be dead too. Liz steps back, walking back towards the others. 

"You ok?" Ada asks, looking at Liz with sympathy. Liz nodded, wiping the singular tear from her face and trying to hold back the others. She knew today she had to be as strong as she could be. Put on a brave face as some would say. 

"This is how John wanted to go, on this smoke" Tommy starts to make a speech, but Liz's brain shuts off, thinking back to a certain memory. 

Liz walks into the house and instantly a smile came to her face as she saw who was sat at the table. 

"John!" she laughs, sitting at the table next to him. 

"Iya Liz" he flashes a grin at the young girl. She had grown so much over the years and John saw her as a little sister. "What ya been doing?" he asks, drinking some water Robbie passed him. 

"What ya been doing?" she mimics him, raising an eyebrow. 

"Wait what?" he looks at her confused, not yet catching on.

"Wait what?" she repeats, trying not to laugh. At the mere age of 14, she couldn't help but love to wind up Robbie, John and sometimes even Finn, even though he is younger. 

"Oh I see now" John sits back in his chair, tapping his fingers on the table. Liz does the same, also tapping her fingers, except to be able to reach the table she had to move her seat forward. John laughed at this and Liz copied. He would pull funny faces and do weird things and Liz would copy, waiting for it to start to annoy him. 

"Cut it out Liz" Robbie rolls his eyes, picking up the newspaper, but both John and Liz ignored him. 

"I'm an idiot" John smiles proudly, knowing Liz would have to copy, except she was a little bit smarter and decided not too. 

"John's an idiot" she also smiles wide, trying not to laugh. 

"If you don't stop by the time I could down from 3, I'll get you mind" John sits forward, staring her in the eye. Liz goes to copy once again but before she can get the first word out he has already started to count down. She froze, not sure on what to do, but just as he was about to say one she ran for it, through the living room and up the stairs. Loud footsteps could be heard after her as John chased her. 

"I'll get you Liz" He laughs now not far behind. She reaches her room and shuts the door, but only for John to come running in. He finally catches her, and picks her up throwing Liz over his shoulder and tickling her. She laughs so much she begins to cry. 

"Ok ok stop" she cries, hardly able to breathe from being tickled so much. John finally puts her down on the bed and walks towards the door. 

"Thats what you get" he points a finger at her, winking. 

"Love you John" Liz beams from the bed, happy to have John as a brotherly figures as well as an actual brother, Robbie. 

"Love you too Liz" A look of happiness crossing his face. 

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