Chapter Twelve.

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*2 years later

"You look beautiful" Michael stares adoringly at Liz. Her auburn hair tied back, a forest green dress draped over her figure.
"Thank you darling" she smiles, giving him a kiss on the cheek. The chatter around them seemed to be much louder that it had before. She looks across at the men and women opposite her, all of them eyeing up Thomas' side of the family.
"They look like they could do with a drink or two, liven up a little" Liz points to Grace's family. They had all dressed in red army suits. Michael laughs at this remark, picking Karl, Ada's son up and swinging him in the air.
"Tell me about it Love" he says, also laughing along with Karl who was letting out a large giggle. Liz looked to her left, and a few people down there was Robbie and Sandy, sat talking amongst themselves. She rolls her eyes and ignores the fact that they are there, still not on speaking terms with her brother.

Putting Karl down, Michael places his hand on the small of Liz's back, noticing her scowl down the pews. "It's fine, you've got me. Just ignore him" he whispers, kissing her cheek. Liz smiles at this, always banking on Michael to make her feel relaxed. She thinks back to a month prior, and how their relationship had blossomed compared to when they first met.

"I not understand why you won't tell me where you're taking me" Liz giggles, watching Birmingham fall behind her. Fields started to take place instead of high buildings, stretching for miles.
"Because, it's a surprise" Michael smiles "besides, it's not much further" he nods up ahead, but Liz could see nothing except for green fields and a blue sky. Michael soon pulls over the car, and gets out, running around to open Liz's door for her. He takes her hand as she gets out of the car.
"Why thank you" she curtsies as a joke, walking to the front of the car. She didn't notice  Michael take out a picnic basket from the backseat until they had started to walk to the sty to get into the field. 
"Picnic is it?" She states the obvious. He shakes his head as he helps her over the sty. He leads her to a big tree in the middle of the field and lays out the picnic blanket and contents of the basket. They sit together, chatting about upcoming business, but also about family, life in New York for Liz. Once their food was finished they lay down together watching the sky. Liz's head on Michaels chest.
"If someone told me three months ago I would be lay cuddled up to Elizabeth Patterson on a picnic blanket in the middle of a field I would of told them they were nuts" his fingertips rubbing up and down her arm, giving her goosebumps.
"You hated me" she laughs
"You hated me!" He argues back, remembering back to when they used to bicker constantly, or hardly talk. No in between.
"Yeah well... things change" Liz laughs.
"They certainly do..." Michael sighs, sitting up and bringing Liz with him.
"Liz....." He starts, and her face falls."
"Oh no... what?" She asks worriedly.
"Will you be my lady? Be mine?" Michael bursts out. Liz goes from looking worried, to confused, to happy within seconds.
"Of course I will!" She giggles, launching herself on the man, kissing him. They both fall back in fits of laughter, kissing each other and cuddling until the sun set.

Jeremiah Jesus walks into the church to the children singing 'In the bleak mid winter'
Looking down at Tommy, he had a slight smirk on his face, and Liz could see why. The looks on the faces of Grace's family was a picture. Shocked, mouths agape as they watch Jeremiah walk and stand behind Tommy, more than likely because he was black. Liz smirks too, catching the eye of two women who seem to be whispering and pointing. They soon shut up and looked to the floor when they sat Liz's gaze. Michael grabs ahold of her hand, as they turn to see Grace enter the room, in a gorgeous lilac dress that Liz had helped pick out.
Then the ceremony began.


Liz stands to the side of the ballroom, Too scared to even go looking for the toilet at Tommy's new house in case  she got lost. People danced all around her, happy and laughing. Some of them she didn't recognise, some of them slightly familiar and some of them good friends. She smiles at men and women who flounce last her, not wanting to look rude or bored.
"Fuck it" she murmurs, not being able to hold in the need for the toilet any longer. She starts to walk aimlessly around the corridors, trying to find a bathroom.
"So you're saying I'm not allowed a man..." liz could hear Lizzie's voice around the corner.
"It's about your choice of man" Michael responds
"I'm not allowed a man on my arm?" Lizzie argues. Liz looks around the corner to see Lizzie and Michael bickering. Michaels cigarette lit in his hand. Arthur starts to walk towards them muttering something.
"Arthur, you know why he didn't come, don't you?" She turns, her hands in her hips, her face stern.
"Why who didn't come?" Arthur doesn't even look in her direction, he picks a bottle of alcohol off one of the maids walking past and starts to turn it in his hand.
"My bloody man!" Lizzie starts. Arthur turns on his heel
"Oh, you mean the wop?" He pops the cork out of the bottle. Liz moves forward slightly so she can continue to hear the conversation but they were so far down the corridor it was muffled.
"What do you know about Love?" Liz caught the end of their conversation.

"I know plenty" Michael scoffs. At this point someone at knocked into Liz, causing her to knock a vase to the floor, and she landed on.
"Fuck" Liz yelps. Michael comes running towards her, helping her up. Her knee and her hand was cut open, bleeding.
"Get that sorted, them come back to the table, fucking sharpish" Arthur points to them, walking away leaving Lizzie with unanswered questions. Michael leads Liz to the nearest bathroom and sits her on the side next to the sink.
"What were doing doing? Spying on me?" He jokes, taking a cloth and wiping away blood from her hand. He picks out a piece of glass, making her wince.
"I was looking for the bathroom" she gestures around the room.
"Well, you've found it" he winks, lifting her dress up so he can see the damage on her knee. It took him all of 5 minutes to be able to sort out the cuts with alcohol and bandages. Once finishes, Michael stands between Liz's legs with a smile, his hands on her waist,
"You know plenty about love do you?" She wiggles her eyebrows.
"Maybe" They both smile at each other, the unspoken words between becoming more clear, although not ready to actually say then out loud.
"We should get back" he whispers, moving in and kissing her on the lips.
"Let's" she kisses him back.

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