Chapter Thirty-Two.

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The sound of fully grown men cheering surrounded Liz. Drinks in the air and betting slips in hand as they shouted on for Bonnie Gold. Liz watched the fight intently, her fists in tight closed ball as she hoped and prayed for him to win. The girls sat next to her were chatting away whilst keeping their eye in the boxing ring. Liz tried to pay attention but she couldn't find herself concentrating on the match and their small talk. 

"You coming?" Ada taps Liz on the shoulder, pointing towards the ladies. She nods and gets to her feet, bringing her small handbag with her. As they walk in, They see Lizzie stood at the mirror and Polly just coming out of one of the stalls. 

"Pol... this fight is fixed isn't it?" Ada struts over towards the mirrors. Liz follows and sits herself on the worktop next to one of the sinks. "Poor gypsy boys getting battered out there" Ada then perches up on the other end. "Right. You said you had some news" she glances at Polly. 

"Lizzie has some news" Liz was watching Lizzie's reflection as she raises her eyebrows before Turing around. 

"Polly!" she sighs.

"Well tell them! now, whilst the men are screaming for blood!" Polly puts a cigarette in her mouth, then offers Liz one which she kindly takes. "Have a swig you two, you're gonna need it" she passes a bottle to Ada. Unsure of the substance Liz then takes it from her and drinks some herself. It burns her throat but felt good at the same time.

"I'm up the duff.... and its Tommy's" Lizzie says matter of factly, watching both Liz and Ada's expressions. Ada takes another swig of the drink. 

"How far gone?" Liz asks, getting off the counter and making her way over to Lizzie to give her a hug. 

"Well if I was going to London I would be in Coventry" 

"Will you be carrying on past Coventry?" Ada asks 

"All the way to fucking Piccadilly circus!" Lizzie smiles

"You found out if she is having a boy or a girl Pol?? go on!" Ada smiles, watching the scene unfold. Polly walks towards Lizzie, placing her hand on Lizzie's left breast and under. 

"It's a girl! call her Ruby. Ruby Shelby" They all smile at each other, giving one another a hug and congratulating Lizzie. "Oh hello Linda, Welcome to the extraordinary general meeting of the Shelby Ladies" Polly smiles, pulling Liz Into their hug although she isn't a Shelby. In Polly's eyes she is part of the family either way. 

"I need a wee" Liz giggles, as Linda starts to roll her eyes at the news of Lizzie being pregnant. Sat in the cubicle she could hear someone sniffing something, who she could only assume was Linda with her little stash of cocaine. 

"And remember Linda, if they spit, you spit back" Polly addresses her. "You coming Liz?" she calls out.

"I'll meet you out there" Liz calls back, pulling her dress down. Once they have left and the coast is clear, she makes her way back out to the sinks. Watching her reflection closely in the mirror, she noticed her eyeliner has snugged slightly, and wipes it away with her finger. She stops and dwells over Michael, but even for that fraction of a second of him popping into her thoughts, her face is damp with tears. They roll silently down her cheeks, over her red-stained lips and dropping off her face onto the cold countertop. She know's that Michael is safe, being hidden wherever he is, but the thought of not being able to reach him was hurting her. To touch, kiss or even be around his presence. It hadn't been that long since she had said goodbye to him but it felt so much longer as she had already spent many a lonely night in the bed they share without him from when he was at hospital. Lifting her hand up she wipes away her tears and takes out her spare makeup to top up what she had now smudged even more. 

"Come on Liz, get it together" she breathes, shaking her head and giving herself a small smile. Finally satisfied with her look, she leaves to go and join the others.


Everyone cheers as Bonnie Gold is declared the champion. Liz smiles and cheers along with the others as he does a lap around the ring. Aberama Gold cheering, following him being the proud father is he. 

"Liz" Polly shouts, calling her over to Linda and Lizzie. Linda's head was in her hands, tears falling down her face. "Liz sit down" Polly orders

"No. what's going on" Liz crosses her arms, a sinking feeling now in her stomach. 

"Arthur's dead" Polly whispers, searching Liz's eyes for any sort of emotion, but instead of sadness, she laughs. 

"You're joking right?" 

"Not a joke Liz. He's dead" Lizzie gets up, placing a hand on her shoulder. Liz couldn't contain her shock as she stood there, silent tears falling down her again for the second time that night. 

"I-i don't understand..." she mumbles, pulling away from them. "How..-" she shakes her head in disbelief. Polly goes to grab her arm but she pulls away once more, turning her back and walking off. Unsure of where she was going Liz walks down a narrow corridor. As she turns the corner, she witnesses Isaiah and Finn beating up a man, hitting his repeatedly. Tommy stands there watching.

"Liz, get out of here" he points back in the direction she came. 

"Tommy i... Arthur...-" she breaks down, not able to move another inch.

"Take his eyes Finn" Tommy looks at his younger brother. "do it for Arthur" Finn stands there hesitantly, slowly reaching for his hat. 

"Fucking do it Finn" Liz shouts, clenching her jaw as her emotions turn from sadness to anger. The young boy looks back at her, nods, and then swings his had at the mans face. He cries out in pain as Isaiah holds him down. Liz finally looks up to see Tommy stood infront of her. He puts his arms over her shoulders and leads her out towards the boxing ring. Leaving her at the edge he climbs in, pulling his gun over his head and shouting towards the ceiling. Everyone ducks down except for Liz. 


Liz's head bows down to the floor as she can feel the tears falling again. 

First John, now Arthur...? surely this couldn't be true? She felt everyone she loved was slowing being picked off, one by one, and she would be last. 


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