Chapter Twenty-Five.

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Liz's face is emotionless, although her body is shaking with Adrenaline as the car comes to a halt. She glances at Michael, who's face is like stone, no emotion, just like hers. He has a gun in his hand, cocked and ready. Liz places her hand over the small knife she was given thats tucked in her suspenders, just incase anything was to happen. 

"both of you, wait here. I will do the killing. Thats a fucking order" Michael's thick Birmingham accent fills the car as he looks at both of the back of the mens heads. His gaze turns to Liz. They both nod towards each other and then get out of the car. She takes in a deep breath as they slowly walk towards the building, and even though she knows Father Hughes should be alone, she cannot help but panic thinking there will be more people. She shakes her head, realising she cannot panic when Charlie's life is at stake. 

"Take it with you, hold it close to you. Any sign of trouble, you leave, got it?" Michael's face is close to hers as they are now just outside of the door, as he places his hand above the knife. She nods in agreement. He plants a kiss on her cheek before entering, Liz not far behind. Michael made his way into the middle of the room, where as Liz walked around the edges, keeping behind every pillar she could incase Father Hughes was to walk out. All that could be heard was the mans heavy breathing and the sound of him lifting his gun. It terrified Liz that someone else was in this building, or even this very room with them. The walls were tall, almost never ending, as well as great big windows which gave the room it's only form of light. There were shadows everywhere caused from the moonlight hitting whatever objects were in the room. Looking up, Liz places her eyes on a door that is near the other side of the room, a warm glow falling through a crack where it was open just ajar. A cry could be heard on the other side. Charlie. Her footsteps quicken, but just as she reaches the final pillar of the room, a figure emerges through the door. She could just see glimpses of what was inside, but nothing was clear. 

Michael Lifts his gun and points it at Father Hughes, who's face was nothing but confusion. As the man stands before him, he tries too hold in the anger that is bubbling inside of his stomach, trying to push it down as best he could. His breathing was getting heavier, almost panting as he takes a step closer to Father Hughes, the gun in his hand pointing at his head. 

"What do you think you're doing boy?" Father Hughes Irish accent filling the room. Michael pushes his hand forward so his gun is now pressing hard in the mans eye. Liz is watching carefully from the sidelines, waiting for her chance to run into the room to Charlie. 

"Please don't" The man now begs, his eyes shut tight. Despite how close they were to the door, Liz makes a run for it, being as sneaky as she could. She manages to get into the room, turns around and spots Charlie who is sat on a mattress on the floor, a lit candle next to him. She places her finger to her lips for him to be quiet, then runs to him and engulfs him in a hug. 

"Please don't shoot, please don't shoot" Father Hughes could be heard begging from the other room. Liz places Charlie back to the bed, then walks to the door and carefully peaks around the corner. Charlie then whimpers, which causes Michael to glance towards the door. Taking his gaze  away from Father Hughes, he takes this to his advantage knocks the gun flying out of Michael's hands. 

"Fucking rat. What do you think you're doing huh?" Father Hughes is kicking and punching Michael, who is groaning in pain. Adrenaline is flowing through Liz's body as she watches from the door. She feels her chest tighten as her eyes widen with fear, she isn't sure if she wants to stay where she is or run for the car to alert the other two that Michael ordered to stay behind, but she knew she wouldn't be able to run fast enough if she was carrying Charlie. She faces reality, her hand over her mouth and her eyes closed as she prays for Michael to be alright. A tear falls down her cheek as she hopes that Father Hughes doesn't beat her love to a pulp, and walk back to find her with Charlie. 

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