Chapter Fifteen.

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Liz walks into Michael's office, behind his desk and places her arms around his neck, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"How was the meeting?" he asks, turning his head to kiss her lips.

"It was... interesting" she says, not wanting to divulge. He nods his head, placing his attention back to his work. She lounges on the sofa that is in the office, picking up her book that is now a permanent feature in there.

"Robbie came by earlier" Michael watches her as she makes herself comfy. Her dress rising up as she adjusts her legs, showing her thighs, causing a sensation to arise in his crotch. He adjusts himself in the seat, coughing.

"Thats nice" Liz says bluntly, opening her book.

"He wants to spend time with you" he writes a number down on the paper before him and places it to one side, happy to have finally finished the second pile.

"Thats nice" she repeats herself. Michael rolls his eyes, knowing full well that he wouldn't get much more out of her when it came to the subject of her brother. The sound of a door closing causes Michael's attention to look up from his desk.

"Tommy, Polly said that you should call her, there has been some trouble" He lights up a cigarette as Tommy walks into the room. Liz sits up, closing her book and watches their conversation.

"what trouble?" He asks, glancing between both Michael and Liz.

"I'm guessing its stuff she doesn't like to tell me about" he shrugs, puffing his cigarette.

"I'll see you both later" He nods, smiling at Liz before walking out of the room.

"Whats later?" Liz asks, as Michael gets up and shuts the door.

"Grace's charity event?" he looks at her, raising an eyebrow.

"Ooo I forgot!!" she calls out, falling back onto the sofa in despair. He dress rising up once again.

"Well... maybe if you're a good girl, we can go dress shopping after...?" Michael smirks, walking towards her, unbuttoning the top of his shirt.

"Is that so?" Liz bites her lip, turning on her side, pulling her dress up over her hip.

"Indeed Miss Patterson" Michael places his hand on Liz's bum, whilst she grabs his shirt and pulls him in for a kiss.

"Shall we finish what we started this morning then?" she whispers in his ear, kissing down his neck.

"Please" he growls, climbing on top, his trousers already unbuttoned.


"What about this one?" Liz walks out of the dressing room, a black dress that floated around her knees. It had a rather high neck with long sleeves. Michael and Ada grimace at the sight.

"You look like a nun" Ada looks the dress up and down.

"Or you're going to a funeral" Michael snorts, but stops instantly as Liz glares at him. She turns around without saying a word back into the changing room for the next dress.

"Lets hope tonight goes smoothly" She could hear Ada call out.

"I should say, nothing ever seems to run smoothly for us" Liz laughs, pulling the dress over her legs.

"Aye. I'm sure Tommy has it under control" She could hear Michael say. Ada hums in agreement. Liz pokes her head from behind the curtain.

"But what if that Changretta guys turns up?" she whispers, ensuring the shop assistant couldn't hear. She highly doubts the woman would know who Vicente Changretta was, but it was good to be on the safe side.

"I doubt it, the meeting went ok didn't it?" Michael raises an eyebrow. Liz just nods, going back behind the curtain to finish putting on the dress.

"Hurry up!" she could hear Ada tapping her foot impatiently. Liz takes in a deep breath before walking out. No sound could be heard coming from Michael or Ada. She looks up, and they looked amazed.

"So....?" Liz prompts them for their opinion. Michael gets up from his seat with a smile on his face.

"baby, it's perfect" he pulls her in for a kiss.

"he's right you now" Ada also stands up, feeling the material of the dress. Liz turns to the mirror, instantly falling In love. The dress was a emerald green, making her auburn hair stand out. It was strapless, showing off her clavicle, tight at the top, but then floated out at the waist in a chiffon type material right down to the floor.

Michael comes up behind her with a shawl that matched the dress, and draped it over her shoulders.

"Perfect" Liz sighs, admiring her reflection.

"My treat" Michael smiles, kissing her cheek.

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