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Echo's P.O.V
I feel dizzy. I sit down. I need to make sure that the world is not spinning. Because it is. I look at the clock. It's 10:30 am. O sh*t. The recruits. I stand up and I fall back down on the chair. The Training Area is on the other side. I need to get there. Shadow? Again? Echo you need to tell someone about this. I will do it. But next time your on your own. Cause they need to know what is happening to you. My dizzy goes away. I stand you. I run into the Training Area. They look at me.

"Your late Echo." Danny said.

"I know. I had something to deal with." I walk next to Jason.

"What are we doing?"

"OK let's get started." Jason said.

Andrew's P.O.V

I'm sitting on the couch. I can't take any more homework. My head is going to explode.

"Lucy I can't take any more studying." I look at her.

"Fine. What do you want to do?" Lucy asks. I don't know.

"I don't know. Any ideas?"

"Visit your girlfriend. No but how about go to Hunter's?" Lucy asks. I like the first one.

"I like the first one."

"Andrew you can see Echo a different time." Lucy said.

"I haven't seen her in about a week."

"You can survive." Lucy said as she puts her hand on my arm.

"You want to come don't you?"

"Yes I do." Lucy said.

Echo's P.O.V

Again dizzy. I don't feel like myself.

"Done. You guys can go." Jason said. The door opens. Andrew and Lucy come in.

"Echo are you okay?" Jason asks. I look at him.

"I'm fine." Echo something is wrong. I don't feel right either. That's bad right? Very bad. Andrew walks in front of me.

"Echo you okay?" Andrew asks. I look at him.

"I'm fine." Lucy walks next to him.

"Are you sure? You look sick." Lucy asks.

"I'm fine. Don't you have that big exam to study for?"

"Yeah we got sick of studying." Andrew said.

"So you came here."

"Problem?" Andrew asks.

"No it's not a problem." Echo it's a big problem. You need to leave right now. Leave the base? Yes. Something is very wrong with you. Fine I will. But how will I leave Andrew and Lucy? Acting. Right.

"Are you sure your okay?" Lucy asks. I look at her. Andrew puts his hand on my forehead.

"Your sick." Andrew said. I move his hand.

"I'm fine."

"Echo your sick." Lucy said.

"I'm fine." How many times do I have to say that? Mitch comes in. Your screwed Echo. Very screwed.

"Mitch Echo's sick." Andrew said. Mitch looks at me. He puts his hand on my forehead.

'Yeah you are." Mitch said.


"Echo go to bed." Mitch said. Really? Bossy isn't he? Very bossy. But that's because he's your brother. I know that. But he still doesn't have a right to boss me around.


"Echo I will carry you there if I have to." Andrew said. I look at him. Move. I kind of want to be carried. Echo. I don't feel like walking. Andrew grabs me and puts me on his shoulder. I feel his hands on my legs.

"Andrew!" We start moving. This is embarrassing.

"I don't care what you said about this Echo." Andrew said. I thought you wanted to be carried? I do. The world starts spinning again. Mitch looks at me.

"You do look sick." Lucy said.

"Yeah she does." Mitch said. I hear a door open. We go in a room. This is my room. Great. He puts me on the bed. You guys are the worst.


I open my eyes. I look at the wall. Echo you need to leave. Is that why you woke me up? Echo something happen to you. Leave before you hurt someone. Fine. I grab things I need. I look around. Wait I need to make it look like something happened. I know. I fall on the ground. I'm dizzy. What is happening? I see feet on the ground. Black boots. I look up. Someone in a hood grabs me by my neck. He pulls out a knife.

"Who are you?" I can't see his face.

"Finishing what Herobrine left behind." He said. He stabs me in the stomach. I can't speak or scream. I grit my teeth. He throws me against the wall. I push him off of me. I grab the handle of the knife. I start pulling it out. I grit my teeth. I can't. The guy hits me with something hard. I sink to the ground. I close my eyes. I put my hand on the ground. I open them. He's gone. My room looks like a tornado hit it. Well at least I won't have to wreak it. But your hurt now. Who was that guy? Why finish what Herobrine started? More important what did Herobrine start? My door opens. Mitch looks at me. His eyes widen. HE kneels in front of me.

"What happen?" Mitch asks. He puts his hand on my stomach.

"Some guy attacked me." Mitch grabs the handle.

"I have to pull this out." Mitch said. Ok.

"Ok." Mitch grab the first aid kit first and some towels. Mitch grabs the handle. He looks at me.

"Ready?" Mitch asks.


"Stay with me ok?" Mitch asks.

"I will try." Mitch pulls it out. I scream. Mitch puts pressure on my stomach. I hear talking outside. Jason comes in.

"What happen?" Jason asks.

"Get Seto here quick." Mitch said. I feel weak. Mitch blurs. His voice faints. I focus on breathing. Mitch puts his hand on my neck.

"Echo look at me." Mitch said. Seto comes in. He kneels down next to me.

"What happen?" Seto asks.

"Later Seto, just fix her." Mitch said. I feel his hand on my stomach. Everything goes black.

Cursed: A Teamcrafted Fan Fic: Book 2 to the Echo SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now