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Mitch's P.O.V
I let go of the arrow. It hits the wall. My arm hurts so much its almost unbearable. But I can shoot. I pick up another arrow. I want to shoot. I hear the door open. My arm shoots up pain. I drop the bow and put my hand on my arm. Misty comes next to me. She picks up the bow.

"Maybe you should take a break." Misty said. No I shouldn't. I try to grab the bow.

"Mitch please calm down. You'll hurt yourself." Misty said. I try to grab the bow again. Misty grabs my bad wrist. I grit my teeth as pain shoots through me. Misty puts down the bow. She pulls up my sleeve. My arm looks like it has a disease on it.

"Mitch I don't think you can shoot again." Misty said. No I can.

"I can."

"Your arm looks worst then before you started and you have already reached your limit in 5 minutes. You need to stop before you seriously hurt your arm." Misty said. I reach for my bow. Misty grabs my arm. I hear the door open.

"Please Mitch listen to me for once. You had enough. Stop before you hurt yourself." Misty said. Echo walks next to Misty. 

"Yeah Mitch, listen to Misty. You'll hurt yourself. Just give up." Echo said. Give up? No I can't. I reach for my bow. Echo grabs it and puts it behind her back. Misty puts her hand on my chest. 

"Mitch stop for now. I'm not telling you to give up forever, just til I can tell your not in pain anymore." Echo said. I look at Echo.  

"Fine." They both smile. 

"Good just to be sure your not getting your bow back." Echo said. What?! No way is she serious. 

"Sounds fair." Misty said. 

"To you two. Not to  me." Echo leaves with my bow in her hands, never to come back. I look at Misty. 

"Your arm may be back to the way it was, but I'm not letting you push yourself over your limit just to shoot again." Misty said. I look at the targets. Not one hit the middle. So many didn't even hit the target. What if I can't shoot anymore? What would I do? A bow is what I'm most good at. Misty puts her hand on my neck, She turns my head towards her. 

"Don't worry, you'll shoot again. I can't see you being Mitch without your bow and quiver. But let's just have your arm completely healed before you try again." Misty said. I guess that is a good idea. 


Echo's P.O.V

I grip Mitch's bow in my hand. So Echo want to go somewhere? No. Are you sure? Yes. Your no fun. Shut up Shadow. You know Chaz is trying to help. Sky is the real threat here. Chaz is the real threat. Sky is a friend. And yet he has been keeping secrets from you since you meant him. If your trying to make me turn against Sky you'll have to try a lot harder then that. And why is that? Cause betraying Sky is the last thing I'll do. Why is that? I trust him. I don't. I didn't ask for your opinion. 

"Echo you alright?" Someone asks. I turn around. Danny is there. 

"I'm fine." 

"Who's bow is that?" Danny asks. I look at it and then at him. 


"Can I show you something?" Danny asks. Something is off about him.

"What is it?" 

"Why would I tell you if I could show you? It's in the forest." Danny said. I don't want to see it. This feels like a trap. But yet lets see what is it shall we. 

"Give me a minute." Danny nods. I leave him. I open my door and put Mitch's bow on my bed. He looked and sounded like Danny. But something is off about him. I walk outside. I see Jason. 

"Jason come here." Jason walks next to me. 

"What?" Jason asks. 

"Come with me. Danny wants to show me something. But something is not right about him." 

"I'll come with you." Jason said. 

"Stay hidden." 


"So why are we out here?" Danny smirks. I knew it. Danny turns into Chaz. Jason comes out and runs in front of me. Chaz backs away from us. 

"I knew it." Chaz looks shocked. 

"You knew this was a trap?" Chaz asks. 

"Of course I did." 

"Well even if I'm up against the two of you. That won't be enough." Chaz said as his eyes started to glow. He shoots something at us. We move. I hit a barrier. I put my hand on it. It shocks me. I yell and move forwards. I look at Jason who is right next to me. 

"Jason we're trapped in some barrier. Don't touch it it hurts you." Jason nods. I can't move all of a sudden. Chaz walks in front of us. 

Jason's P.O.V

Chaz grabs Echo and disappears. No. Chaz looks at me. 

"As for you. You have seen to much. I guess it's time to get rid of the witness." Chaz said. Chaz grabs my neck. I can move. I grab his arm. His grip is too strong. He lifts me in the air. He grabs a sword and stabs me repeatedly. I grit my teeth. I can't breathe. He throws me and I hit a tree. Chaz shoots something at me.  

Cursed: A Teamcrafted Fan Fic: Book 2 to the Echo SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now