Lose Control

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Seto's P.O.V
I'm in a hallway. Wait I don't remember waking up. I walk backwards and fall on the ground. I look at the ground. My eyes widen. My parents. They look like when they did when they died.

"Why?" Dad asks. I move back. I hit someone. I look up. My dad again. He grabs me by my neck and slams me into the wall. I grab his wrists.

"Why would you leave the family's legacy?! You backstabbing bastard!" Dad yells. He slams me onto the ground. I yell. He kicks me in the side. I yell.

"You don't deserve the throne!" Dad yells. Mom shows up next to dad.

"No you don't." Mon said. Swords show up.

"Seto wake up." Someone said. They stab me over and over again with swords. I scream. Why can't I just die to make the pain stop?!

Lisa's P.O.V
I open my eyes. I'm still against Seto. My hands and head is on his chest. He has his arms around me. Seto holds me tighter all of a sudden. I put my hand flat on his stomach. I can feel his abs and it feels good. I mean he feels tense. I look at him. He's having a nightmare. I put my arms around his neck.

"Seto wake up." He doesn't wake up. I put his head on my chest. This is not cheating on Sky. I hope it's not. He's strong cause I can't really breathe anymore. I let go of him. It must be really bad.

"Seto wake up!" He opens his eyes and his grip loosens. I put my hands on the sides of his face.

"Hey calm down. It was only a nightmare." He sits up. I do to. I look at the clock. 4:30 am.

Seto's P.O.V
I leave Lisa's room. Ada looks at me.

"You look freaked out. Are you okay?" Ada asks as she puts her hands on my chest and back. I push her hands away.

"I'm fine." She pulls my hood down.

"Seto are you okay?" Ada asks.

"I'm fine." Ada grabs my arm and pulls me into her room. She closes the door.

"What's wrong?" Ada asks.

"I'm fine. Open the door."

"Not until you talk. It's 4:30 in the morning. What's wrong?" Ada asks. She walks towards me. I back away and into a wall. She stops in front of me.

"Nothing." Is that really what time it is? I look at a clock. O it is. She puts her hand on my neck and turns my head so I'm looking at her.

"What's wrong?" Ada asks.


"Go get some sleep then." Ada said. No. I don't want to sleep in this place ever again.

"Never sleeping in this castle ever again."

"What if it was with me then?" Ada asks. What?

"What?" She puts her hand on the back of my neck and her other one on my chest.

"Don't sound so surprise Seto. This isn't the first time you did." Ada said. In my defense it was forced. She was scare and came to my room. She slept with me and things happened in there. Things I'm not proud of. I knew she liked me but not that much.

"Come on. Just one night or are you going to talk?" Ada asks. No I'm not. She pushes against me and kisses my neck. Her head goes on my shoulder. Her hand goes down my neck and chest. I'm not shy. Everyone says I am, but I'm not. Her eyes look at mine. She kisses me. I kiss her back. I feel her hands on my neck. I put my hand on her back and hip. The thing is I know Ada. And I know her ways with guys. She is like a troublemaker teenager. I feel something soft all of a sudden. I put one of my hands down. Wait this feels like a bed. When did we get here?! She's on top of me. I feel her hand under my shirt. She sits up my waist. She pulls me up and kisses me. We're still in her room. No! Not again. She is not playing me like this again! I try to move her off of me. She pushes me down on the bed with her hands on my shoulder.

Cursed: A Teamcrafted Fan Fic: Book 2 to the Echo SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now