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Song is Anthem of the Lonely By Nine Lashes.

Echo's P.O.V
Sky and Seto have been asking me questions for the past hour. I look at them. I stand up.

"Guys I told you everything I know."

"Really?" Sky asks. I look at him.

"Yes. I have. Now can I go to the Training Area now to train my recruits Sky?"

"Yes." Sky said. I leave. I walk down the hall. They bandaged my stomach and it hurts. Seto could only stop the bleeding. I open the doors and walk in. It's about 1:30 pm. I stop next to Jason. He looks at me.

"Hey you okay?" Jason asks. I did wake up at eleven o'clock.

"I'm fine. Just sore."

"Well don't push it then." Jason said. The recruits hug me tight. I grit my teeth.

"Guys your hurting her." Jason said instantly. They let go.

"Sorry." Danny said.

"I forgot where you got hurt." Megan said.

"It's fine."

Sky's P.O.V
I go into Echo's room. I sort of don't believe her. I put my hand on the ground in the middle of the room. My eyed turn white. I'm showing the past few hours in this room. I see Echo. She stands up and so do I. Wait. I look into her thoughts. My eyes widen. What?! The guy shows up and grabs her.

"Who are you?" Echo asks. I walk beside them.

"Finishing what Herobrine started." He said. Herobrine! I block them out. They disappear. My eyes turn normal. I walk outside. That voice. It was very familiar. I go into my room. I grab a box under my bed and put it on my bed. I open it and go through it. I stop and look at a picture. I pick it up. It's me, Herobrine, Mom and Chaz. But Chaz died before Herobrine went insane. Chaz was a friend of mine that we took in. But I can never forget his voice. The last thing I remember was him turning evil and falling into a pit of lava. Chaz is a sorcerer. I drop the photo. I have to make sure. But how exactly? I put they box back and go outside. Chaz couldn't be alive. He died before he killed me. There is no way that he would survive the fall and not to mention the lava. But he is a sorcerer and he would have saved himself. Was hasn't he showed up then? Where would he be? What would he be planning and why was Echo leaving too? That's all I heard was I'm leaving the base. She can't leave. It's all confusing. I need to clear my head, but I don't have time for that. Who cares? Seto can wait. If I don't get my head cleared, I might go insane. I take my horse out. Lisa runs next to me.

"Where are you going?" Lisa asks.

"I need to clear my head. I feel like I'm going to go insane myself." Losa smiles.

"Not yet anyway." Lisa said. I look at her.

"Can't argue with that." Lisa laughs a little. We go outside.

"Be careful then." Lisa said.

"Give me a hour at least. Tell Seto what I'm doing before he has a heartattack that I'm gone." I climb onto my horse.

"I will." Lisa said. I head into the forest. I know where I'm going. I know exactly where.

Mitch's P.O.V
I have to talk to Sky. I have looked everywhere. He is not here. Where did he go? I walk into the Meeting Hall. Seto is sitting there waiting for something. Looks like he's daydreaming.

"Where's Sky I have to talk to him now?" The others come in asking where Sky is too. Seto looks at us.

"I have no idea. Lisa said he went for a ride and would be back in an hour." Seto said.

Cursed: A Teamcrafted Fan Fic: Book 2 to the Echo SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now