We can't Give up

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Song is Let the Sparks Fly By Thousand foot Krutch. 

Lisa's P.O.V

I open my eyes. Sky is not here. Where did he go? I sit up. No blood anywhere. Maybe Sky didn't get hurt too bad to put blood on the bed.


I walk down the hall. Misty runs next to me.

"O there you are. Sky left by the way." Misty said. I stop. She stops in front of me.

"Sky left when?"

"Last night. He hasn't came back yet." Misty said.

"Ok why didn't you stop him?"

"He said he would be back in a little bit." Misty said.

"You said he left last night. I think a little bit have passed."

"Mitch left too. Echo and Jason are gone." Misty said.

"Where is everyone going?" But I hope they are okay.

Sky's P.O.V

Wait is that the exit. No Chaz wouldn't make it that easy. Actually it wasn't very easy. I went through like so many monsters to get here. I have claw marks all over me. Chaz wouldn't have make it that easy. He wouldn't have. I walk towards it. Cahz appears. I knew it. He grabs me and does something. I scream and fall on teh ground.

"Sky your weak. I can make you weak when I want. So I can make you suffer whenever I want. So I lke this. It's payback." Chaz said. He kicks me in the stomach. I grit my teeth. Chains form on me. I'm chained to the ground. The ground goes black. No the exit was so lose, now it's so far away.

"Those chains will hurt you ever now and then." Chaz said. I don't move. Great. How am I going to get out of this? I'm not. The exit was so close and now it's far away.

"Here." Chaz said. An exit pops up right in front of me. He's going to be that sort of jerk. He bends down next to it.

"Come on, it's right there. The exit. You can reach it." Chaz said. I move my arm a little. An electric pulse goes through me. I scream. My arm drops to the ground.

"O so close but so far away. You know that barrier I put up. I made it so no one will be able to break through. So yeah your stuck, but look at the positives. O wait, there are none for you just for me." Chaz said. He's the worst sort of person. He stands up. The exit door opens. Chaz grabs me and sits me up.

"I think you'll love to see what is going on back at your base or at that cave." Chaz said. I didn't tell anyone but Misty I was leaving. I see people looking around the base. Then the base goes in flames. That's not real. He pushes me onto the ground. Pain shoots up everywhere.

"This is what will happen without you there. Well it's what I will do anyway. I'm surprise that you fell for my trap Sky. I thought you were smart. But I will destroy what you have made and that Austin guy. Then when I'm done killing ever last recruits in that base. I will put you into that lava pit were you left me to die." Chaz said. I try to move. I put my hands under me and push down.


"NO you stay down." Chaz said as he kicks me again. I yell and fall back on the ground.

"Here let me help you sleep Sky so that curse will work on you." Chaz said. No. I try to move again.

"Sky stop struggling it will only make the pain worst." Chaz said. Chaz grabs me and hits me with something across my chest. Everything goes black.

Megan's P.O.V

I look at Sky. Wait. I crawl next to him. I put my hand on his neck. I look at my hand. My hand has red on it. No. No. I pull up Sky's shirt. My eyes widen. O my god.


"What?" Danny asks.

"Come here." Danny comes next to me.

"O my god. How?" Danny asks. Sky has a giant deep cut across his chest. I don't know.

"I don't know, but he's bleeding bad." Ash comes back.

"What are you guys doing?" Ash asks.

"Sky's chest is bleeding." Ash comes next to Danny.

"What how?" Ash asks. I look at Ash. He looks hurt.

"Ash you look hurt. Did you break the barrier?"

"No. I can't break it." Ash said.

"We talk about it later. Right now, we need to take care of Sky and fast." I tell them what I need. They go out and get it. Danny comes back with a wet cloth and hands it to me. I take it and start cleaning Sky's wound. How did he get this? Ash comes.

"How is he?" Ash asks.

"He needs to wake up now. If he doesn't he could die and I'm not kidding either."

"I can wake him up." I put my hands on Ash's chest stopping him.

"No not your way of waking people Ash. Sky's weak Ash. Your ways could hurt him more then we know."

"What are we suppose to do?" Danny asks. I stand up.

"Give up." Ash said. I slap Ash.

"Ow! What was that for?" Ash asks.

"Your talking crazy! This is Sky's life on the line and you want to give up on him and let him die. Cause it's too hard? If Sky would have given up if things were too hard he would have given up a very long time ago. Sky never has given up on us, so we can't on him." I kneel back next to Sky.

"But Megan I don't want to give up on Sky. He's the last person on earth I would want to give up on. But we can't save him." Ash said. I put my arms around Sky's neck.

"We can save him." Why are we even having this conversation about rather to let Sky die or not. It's a no brainier to not let Sky die! I rub the wet cloth on Sky's chest some more.

"Ash I'm not letting Sky die. Sky means to much to me to let him die. Jason and Mitch too. We all depend on then so much that we don't think for a second about how they feel. Didn't you see Mitch's face when Chaz showed up? He was scared. But he kept fighting even though he almost lost his arm. That's what I'm doing. Fighting to kept them three alive. Sure I'm scared that Sky may die, Jason might never wake up, and Mitch might not wake up either. You guys can't lose hope yet. We always needed them, but now they need us." I stop cleaning Sky's chest. I have blood all over my hands and wrists.

"But Megan he'll bleed out before we can help him." Ash said. How can he talk about Sky like that? Tears start forming in my eyes.

"How can you talk about Sky like he is already dead?" Tears go down my face. Danny comes next to me.

"Sky'll pull through like he always does. Ash you can't give up on Sky. Please have a little faith in him." Danny said. 

"Ash if you lost hope in Sky, then why did you become a recruit?" 

"How are we going to get out of here?" Ash asks ignoring my question. 

"I don't know. We need magic in order to break through." 

"Sorry. I'll go get the stiff you need." Ash said. He leaves. Danny wipes my tears away. 

"Never thought we had to talk about Sky dieing before right as he is." 

"He'll be fine. He always is." Danny said. 

"I know."  


Cursed: A Teamcrafted Fan Fic: Book 2 to the Echo SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now