Awake and Alive

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Song is Awake and Alive by Skillet
Ada's P.O.V
I think I see Sathe. I run to him and slam him against the wall.

"Where is he and it?" Sathe looks confuse.

"Where's what and who?" Sathe asks.

"Don't play dumb with me. Where is the King's Key and Seto?" I feel unbearable pain all of a sudden. I back up. He shot me. Kibas tuns next to me.

"What is going here?" Kibas asks.

"He has the King's Key." Kibas looks at Sathe.

"Give it back to Seto now Sathe." Kibas said.

Echo's P.O.V
I gasp for air.

"Danny it worked." Someone said. I open my eyes. Andrew and Danny are on their knees next to me.

"Told you. Even though I don't know how to use magic." Danny said. I sit up.

"Don't ever scare us like that again." Andrew said.

"What are you doing here?"

"We told Seto what was happening. He went to the dungeons." Andrew said. Okay. I look at Danny.

"Echo let me explain. I would never betray you or the Sky Army. I was controlled. Sathe cursed me with magic and I can't control it. When I get mad it goes out of my control." Danny said. I get on my knees. He's getting mad. His eyes and hands are glowing. I grab his wrist.

"Relax. You have to bury it. Right now Sathe put a dark demon in you."

"How do you know?" Danny asks.

"Cause Herobrine did it to me when I was missing. What Sky like two weeks told me was to control it. Contain it. Find someone who is important to you and stick by them." Danny smiles. His eyes turn normal. I look at Andrew.

"I'm that person to you right?" Andrew asks. I smile.

"You and Mitch."

"I expected that Mitch would be one." Andrew said. I look at Danny.

"And Danny if you ever need help with it ask me, Seto, or Sky. I know that you wouldn't betray us. Your not like that."

"What am I like?" Danny asks. He is a lot of things. A traitor is not one of them.

"Your a lot of things, a traitor isn't one of them." I stand up slowly. They stand up too.

"You look like you can barely stand." Andrew said. I don't care.

"Let's get to the dungeons." Danny said. He gets it but Andrew doesn't since he isn't a recruit.

"Let's go."

Lisa's P.O.V
I open my eyes. Seto isn't here. I sit up. That's right he left a long time ago. Misty comes in. She sits on the bed.

"Did you see Seto or Danny anywhere? We can't find them." Misty asks.

"Seto slept here." Misty looks at me with wide eyes.

"That's cheating on Sky Lisa." Misty said. I smack her on the back of the head.

"Nothing happened. I still love Sky. Seto's a friend. We talked for a bit and it turned out we fell asleep."

"You must have had fun." Misty said. Zoey and Ash come in.

"We still can't find them. What are you two talking about?" Zoey asks.

"Lisa slept with Seto." Misty said.

"That's cheating on Sky Lisa." Ash said. I've been told.

"Nothing happened."

"I wouldn't blame you Lisa. Seto is pretty hot. but anyway we can't find them anywhere. Sathe, Kilbas, Ada, Ylizek, or Xeala either. It's like everyone disappeared." Zoey said. The door suddnely opens. Echo comes in. She stop and looks at us. We look at her.

"There you are!" Ash said. Andrew and Danny come in too.

"They are in the dungeons. Where's Sathe I got a thing or two to say to him?" Echo asks walking pass Ash.

"Sathe is the good guy."

"No he isn't. He controlled me and made me almost kill Echo." Danny said.

"Wait when did you tell Seto Sky and them were in the dungeons?" Echo asks.

"Two hours ago." Andrew said.

"He should be here. I'm going down there." Echo said. She leaves. Andrew and Danny go after her.

"What just happen?" They look at me.

"I don't know. But there is Danny and Echo. With Andrew." Ash said.

Sky's P.O.V
"Sky you can't give up." Ty said. My head hurts so much. I hear running footsteps.

"Echo." Mitch said. She looks at us. She unlocks the doors with a spell. She goes to Mitch. They unlock us all. Danny helps me up.

"Did you get hurt?" Danny asks. I can't leave.

"Sky has a curse on him." Echo said.

"How did you know?" Echo stands up and comes to me. She pushes me slowly and gently on the ground.

"Because I can sense it. If Sky leaves then he dies. He's stuck here. Danny and Andrew go get the others." Echo said. They leave. Echo looks at me.

"I might know how to stop the curse. Where's Seto?" Echo asks.

Cursed: A Teamcrafted Fan Fic: Book 2 to the Echo SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now