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Jason's P.O.V

I move out of the way and roll on the ground. It hits the tree and destroys it. Just knowing that could have been me is scary. Chaz kicks me in the side. I yell and fall on my side. 

"I have a better idea. Instead of killing you I can just try something on you." Chaz said. His eyes glow darker. He hits me. Everything goes black. 

Zoey's P.O.V

Where are they? I look at Ash. 

"They are late." Megan and Danny walk in front of us. 

"30 minutes late. That's not like them." Megan said. 

"Well it's like Echo but not Jason. He is usually like 5 or 10 minutes late. Jason would be here by now." Danny said. 

"When was the last time you guys saw them?" 

"Here." They said. I look at Danny. Well I saw them go into the forest with Danny. 

"I saw them go into the forest with Danny a couple of hours ago." They look at Danny. 

"Danny what did you do to them?" Megan asks. Danny looks shocked. 

"I did nothing to them. Beside even if I did, do you honestly think I could beat them. They are way too strong together." Danny said. He has a good point. But what happen to them? 

"I'm going in the forest to look for them." I leave. The others follow me. 

"We are not letting you do this by yourself." Megan said. 

"Let's find them." Ash said. 

Megan's P.O.V

There he is. I run towards Jason. The others follow me. I hit something and fly back. I hit the ground. Zoey comes next to me. I look at Jason. He's hurt. 

"Megan are you okay?" Zoey asks. 

"I'm fine. But Jason is not." Danny run towards him and hits some type of barrier and falls backwards. I stand up. 

"We got to help Jason before he dies." 

"But what about that barrier?" Zoey asks. Barrier is not going to stop me.

"A barrier is not going to stop me." I run towards it and hit it. I grab my sword and it hit again. 

"Come on you guys hit it." They hit the barrier. It hurts for sure. My hand goes through it. Yes. 

"I broke through." They look at me. They puts their hands on the broken part. The pull it. I put my foot through and fall through. The barrier closes with me inside. 

"We can't get through." Zoey said. 

"Seto can. Go get him. Danny and Ash you guys try to find Echo. I'll take care of Jason." Danny and Ash leave. Zoey stays. 

"Take care of him." Zoey said. 

"I will." She leaves. I run to Jason. I put my hand on his neck. He is still alive. That's good. I was worried there for a second. What happen to him? I pull up his shirt. He's hurt badly. I take off my jacket. He has three stab wounds in his side and stomach. I lean him against a tree. I wrap my jacket around him tight. When will he wake up? 

"Megan  we have a problem." Someone said. I look towards the voice. It's Zoey. Where is Seto? 

"Zoey your suppose to get Seto." 

"I know but I run into another barrier. Whoever put this one put up another one." Zoey said. No. I stand up. 

"Can you get through this one?" Zoey walks to where the first barrier is. She stops and puts her hand out. No barrier. She comes next to Jason. 

"How is he?" Zoey asks. I put my hand on Jason's forehead. He's sick. 

"Weak, injured, and sick. Danny and Ash should be coming back soon if another barrier is up. But who would do this?" 

"Whoever put up this barriers are trying to make sure Jason dies. Lucky we are here for him." Zoey said.

"We can't lose him." 

"Don't worry we won't. Jason is a tough guy Megan you know that. He'll be fine." Zoey said. 

"Hey you guys we hit a barrier and now we can't go any farther." Danny said. I look at him. They didn't find Echo. Ash and DAnny stop in front of us. 

"How is he?" Ash asks. 

"Weak, injured, and sick. Guys Zoey can't go get Seto cause of some barrier. What are we going to do?" 

"Beats me." Danny said. That's not helpful. 

"For one we need to take care of Jason. You two can take care of him. Danny and I will try to find a way out of here." Ash said. I smile. I look at Zoey. 

"Did you find any water when you were out?" 

"Yes I did." Zoey said. I look at Ash. 

"We got to bring his fever down. Cold water could help a lot." 

"Zoey where is it?" Ash asks. 

"It's basically by the edge of this barrier." Zoey said.

"That's too long of a walk." Danny said. It's getting dark. 

"More importantly it's getting dark and we're trapped in a forest." Zoey looks at me.

"Your not afraid are you?" Zoey asks. 

"No of course not." 

"We better find some shelter for Jason. It's not good for him to be outside at night." Ash said. 

"No it's not." Ash picks up Jason and puts him on his back. 

"Well lets not waste any more time talking let's find some." Ash said. They leave running. Zoey follows them. I run after them. 

Echo's P.O.V

I open my eyes. Wait where am I? Someone is standing right in front of me. 

"Where am I?" They leave. My hands a chains to the ground. I'm in the middle of a room and something is around me. It looks like a glass wall. Chaz appears through the door. I look at him. I pull my hands up. The chains stop them. 

"No point in struggling Echo." Chaz said. Jason. 

"Where's Jason?" Chaz smirks. 

"I took care of him. He saw too much and could have told Sky." Chaz said. What?! 

"What did you do to him?!" If he hurt Jason, I'm going to lose it myself. 

"I did what I had too Echo!" Chaz yelled. 

"Why?" Chaz cross his arms. 

"I got rid of him for good Echo. He was getting in the way." Chaz said. Getting in the way of what?!

"Of what?!" 

"Us." Chaz said. Us? There is nor will they ever will be an us. 

"They is no us and that's how it will always be." 

"Who's Andrew?" Chaz asks. My eyes widen. Andrew. How does he know Andrew? 

"No one." Chaz smirks. 

"I doubt it. I can see what he means to you. That means he's clouding your mind. Your distracted." Chaz said. 

"If you touch him, you'll regret it!" 

"What can you do? Your trapped. I'll take good care of Andrew for you." Chaz said. No! 

"No. You stay away from him!" Chaz leaves. No. I struggle. I have to find Jason and warn Andrew. The chains shock me. I yell and go on my knees. The chains shock me if I struggle too much. I struggle more. It shocks me again. I fall on the ground. No I must get out of here. I stand up slowly. I struggle more and more. I kick the chains base. It shocks me. I kept kicking it over and over again. My knees give out and I fall on the ground. I don't think I can take anymore of this shocking. It's too much for me to handle anymore. But i must get out of here. I pull the chains. It shocks me and everything goes black. 

Cursed: A Teamcrafted Fan Fic: Book 2 to the Echo SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now