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Sky's P.O.V

I walk down the hall. I go into a room. I stop. Ty looks at me. I look at him. He's still here. I close the door.

"Sky I-" I look at the ground.

"No Ty. You were right."

"I was? But I was just mad and didn't know what I was saying." Ty said. I look at him.

"I will try to stay more focus. Chaz gets to me. He was suppose to be dead and when I found put he was alive. It got in my head. It worried me more then anything. Chaz is after me, Echo and Lisa." Ty walks in front of me.

"Sky I didn't mean what I said just so you know. Your a great leader. Your more then we could ask for. Lisa has been trying to get you to talk about Chaz hasn't she?" Ty asks.

"Yes she has. I wasn't ready to tell you guys yet about my past. Not all of it cause it's too painful for me to talk about it. Chaz was the only other kid in the Nether. We became friends. He was a clumsy sorcerer. But he was learning and then one day he was doing a spell. When he fell off the cliff and into a lava pit. I knew that he wouldn't be able to save himself. So he was dead for years. But when I went for a ride to clear my head, he appeared. He attacked me and said that he needed Echo. He said she would turn against us and leave us for good. Because Shadow will lead her away." Ty sits on the table.

"What did you do?" Ty asks.

"I deny it. Cause she wouldn't. But she has been acting weird. What bothers me more is the fact Chaz is alive."

"What does he want most?" Ty asks.

"Me dead and Echo's power."

"Why Lisa?" Ty asks.

"What do you think?"

"Chaz can't be that heartless." Ty said.

"He is. Chaz is someone that you don't want to mess with. The look in his eyes scare me the most. They are not like the ones he had when we were kids." Mitch and Jerome come in. I look a the ground.

"If you two are fighting I will take this outside and you won't like it." Jerome said.

"We are not fighting, just talking."
Ty said.

"What's wrong Sky?" Mitch asks.


"What about him?" Jerome asks. Echo and Chaz. I just made myself confuse somehow.

"He is more dangerous then what Sky told us." Ty said.

"What did Sky say?" Jerome asks.

"He's trying to finish what Herobrine started. He's after Echo's power and wants me dead." Something doesn't feel right.

"Why what did you do?" Mitch asks. I don't answer. Why do I have this feeling something bad is going to happen?

"He's ignoring us." Jerome said.

"No wait. Sky what's wrong?" Ty asks. He's here!

"He's here." Chaz appears in front of me. He grabs my shoulder and puts a sword in my chest. I scream. He pulls the sword out. Chaz runs outside. I sink to the ground. Jerome and Mitch kneel next to me. Jerome grabs me.

"Mitch he's after Echo. Go get h-her." Mitch leaves. I look at Ty. He nods and leaves. Jerome puts his hand over my wound. He puts my arm around his shoulders. I hear scream from outside. Jerome helps me to my feet.

"To the hospital. Unless Chaz is not done with you." Jerome said. We start heading to the hospital. My vision blurs. Misty looks at me. She runs next to me and grabs my other arm.

Cursed: A Teamcrafted Fan Fic: Book 2 to the Echo SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now