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1 month later

Steve Rogers

"You could have save me." Bucky's lifeless, yet bloodied body stated firmly as I cradled him in my arms. 

His eyebrows are knitted together in anger as he has a deep scowl etched onto his face. "I know, and I'm sorry." I croaked, as tears slowly streamed out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

 "But, you could have saved me!" Bucky shouted, as anger is also now etched deep into his voice. I pitched due to the sudden sound as i closed my eyes and scrunched them together sadly.

 Somehow, tears still found their exits out of my eyes as whimpered fearfully. I tried pulling my hands off of his cold body, i tried to push it out of my arms with all of my strength, but it's as if he is glued onto my skin. 

That if i let go of him, i will slowly bleed out and join him in being lifeless.

 "I-I know Buck, and... And I'm really sorry." I whispered before i pried my eyes open to see his dead, dull, steel blue eyes staring back at me. 

It was like that for a second before the deceased eyes filled with fury, in which regret crawled up my spine in retaliation. 

"BUT YOU COULD HAVE SAVED ME!" He screamed furiously as it caused my already sensitive ears to ring, as it bounced off of the bathroom walls. 

Not even a second later, i felt when my bottom lip quivered before i took in a ragged breath. The next thing i knew was that i was crying as everything around me was blurry beyond recognition.


"I'm sorry!" I yelled as I felt when i launched up out of my original position, immediately feeling my head swing as my vision blurred a bit. 

"Steve?" With the new voice that pierced the air, i pitched violently before i quickly moved to grab my shield out of it's hiding place; including grabbing the hand gun which lies under my pillow. 

I instantly aimed the gun into the ever looming shadow of darkness which masks the entrance to my room. 

"Steve, it's just me," The voice expressed through the darkness before it slowly creeped out of it, walking deeper into my room. 

My gun was trained to the figure as i tracked it's every move, even though it's aura screamed sympathy and familiarity. 

It was then that the blue moonlit hue from out of the semi open window; masked by a curtain, hit them, coaxing their figure out of the abys. 

"It's Sam." The dark toned male whispered as he held his hands up, as if he was being arrested. I bit my lip before my eyes bounced around the room, looking for a potential threats. 

I only let out a breath of relief once i confirmed that it is only Sam and I in the room before I hesitantly lowered the gun; placing the safety back onto it. 

Immediately, i felt as the adrenaline left my body replacing the once hyper feeling with sorrow and exhaustion instead. 

"Okay." I whispered, before i sluggishly slipped my shield back between the bed and the bedside table with a small sniffle as my eyes filled with tears. 

I bit down on my lip before blinking, in which they all started to spill out of my tear ducts and down my face. 

I took in a shuddered breath before delicately rubbing my hand over my cheeks; wiping my tears away. 

My Bucky BearWhere stories live. Discover now