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30 minutes later

Sam Wilson

It didn't take long for Tony and I to plan out what exactly we wanted to do for the littles today. We had a bit of a mix up and a couple other points where Tony forgot to say his ideas out loud, but everything came out as good as it honestly can be.

"Are you sure that Steve would be comfortable with all of this?" I asked, receiving a snort in response from Tony as he pocketed his phone. "No, but that's the fun of it!" He exclaimed in his usual cheery tone.

I didn't know whether to sigh in slight annoyance to Tony not really thinking his plans all the way through, or smile that the billionaire at least had some idea of fun... In PG terms...

"Fine." I mumbled as I took my phone out of my pocket, checking the time. "It's One, so we have thirty and some odd minutes to get them ready and into the car before we head towards our first destination." Tony nodded before he got up from the couch.

"Sounds reasonable." With that he started to head towards the hallway which led to Peter's room. 

"Dada!" I suddenly heard as Peter's room door slowly opened. "Hey bug, whatcha doing up already?" Was all that I heard Tiny say before closing softly behind himself as he most likely entered said room.

I sighed before I quickly got up off of the couch and strode across the living room and into the hallway. Following the wooden floors I passed Peter's room where the sound of Tony singing in a different language to Peter can be heard before I got to where Steve's room is placed as he's currently resting, but not for long.

I lightly opened the door as instantly my ears filled with the sound of nightly critters. I smiled as Steve was only ever so slightly out of the place I firstly put him in, yet his hair was tossed all over the place along with the fact that he was drooling cutely as his pacifier was no longer in it.

I made sure to snap a couple photos before I closed the door behind myself and started to make my way towards the crib. 

"Start morning routine?" Jarvis' voice whispered in which I nodded. "As you wish." He whispered before the curtains slowly started to open, as all of the projections faded away, one by one.

When I got to the crib I slowly leaned over and started to thread my fingers through Steve's baby blonde hair, making him unconsciously lean into my touch as a small coo and sigh followed.

"Steve." I whispered, making the little shift once again, this time away from my hand before he found a comfortable spot and let out a heavy sigh, falling deep into sleep once again. I smiled to myself before chuckling, shaking my head.

I leaned over into the crib lower so that I could pick Steve, as I situated him on my hip. Immediately the little captain stirred from his sleep, letting out an annoyed grunt. "It's time to get up, Sunshine." I whispered as the blonde snuggled his face into my neck, shaking his head a little.

"Please?" I asked, receiving yet another shake of the head. "Uncle Tony and I have a lot of fun things planned for you and Peter to do today. It would be a shame that you missed it all just because you wanted to sleep." With that Steve immediately sat up, big blue eyes looking at me with curiosity but also still clouded sleep.

"It's a surprise." I added, making the other pout a little. I only smiled before I pressed a kiss into his cheek, leaning over to grab his paci out of the crib before pushing it back in his mouth. With that Steve let out several cute noises as he went back to laying on my shoulder.

I wasted no time walking him over to the bathroom where I quickly bathed him before exiting the bathroom where I rested him on the changing table in the walk-in closet and got him into a diaper.

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