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Bucky Barnes
♡ ☆ ♡

I woke up to the sound of Steve snoring. It wasn't a loud 'oh my god shut up' one, it was a soft 'oh my gosh that's so cute' one. I didn't wake up little either which is a bit weird because I have been in headspace for weeks. But for right now I was very much big.

I carefully wiggled out of Steve's hold resting my pacifier on the nightstand before exiting the room. I love being alone in the living room. It feels so good, especially how the rising sun light pours through the window into the room creating a warm tone across the furniture. 

I opened the fridge scanning some of the items before quickly landing on the eggs. I took two out of the container before buttering up a frying pan and cracking the eggs into it. I after that I turned on the stove and started to prepare for the rest of the dish. 

Half and hour later a pair of arms sleepily wrapped itself around my waist as I felt Steve press light kisses along my neck and shoulder. "Good Morning." He whispered into my ear making me smile at the grogginess in his voice. 

"Morning, now move before I burn you with the pan." I say making the blonde chuckle before he removed himself from off of me. He sat at the island counter as I served him the eggs including bacon and strawberries.

"I see that your big today, why is that?" Steve asked as he started to eat. I simply shrugged  as i rinsed off all of the stuff i used and put them in the dishwasher. "Probably because I have been little all the time two weeks prier. But I could tell that being big is currently temporary." I say as Steve nodded. 

"Is this because Natasha is coming over?" He asked as I nodded in response. "Exactly." I say making the blue eyed man chuckle. "So um Steve," I say making him look up from his plate. "Yeah?" He asked making me sigh. 

"So um, what does this make us exactly?" I asked as he slowly put his fork down. "Well um we can be whatever you want us to be." He said as I nodded slowly. "Well what if," I then bit my lip as Steve gave me a small smile. 

"Go on sweetheart." He say making goosebumps run down my arms from the nickname alone. "What if I want you as my boyfriend also." I whispered feeling my face turn red as I looked down at the marble counter top.

"Bucky, look at me." With that I look up at the blonde who still wore a smile. "If you want us to be boyfriends were boyfriends." He stated making me smile. "Oh and here are the rules, I finished them." He said before he handed me the paper from off of the fridge. 

Rules;  1. No swearing, 2. Always eat your vegetables, 3. When daddy says it's bed time it's bed time, 6. When your upset tell daddy, 7. You must not self harm or hurt yourself in an way unless it was an accident. I then glared up at Steve who gave me an innocent puppy dog like smile. 

Punishments;  1. Time out in the corner, 2. No candy or favorite snacks, 3. No TV, 4. No play time. I simply sighed as I read on. 

Rewards:  1. Movie Night, 2. Treats / Sweets, 3. Playtime outside, 4. New plushies, 5. All of Daddy's love. I chuckled at the last once before sliding the paper towards Steve. 

"You approve?" He asked making me nod happily. "I approve." I say before he stuck the paper back onto the fridge with a letter magnet. Wait, when did we get letter magnets? I don't remember him picking up any when we were at the little shop, yet I was with Adrian most of the time. 

"I can hear your brain working from here, whatcha thinking 'bout?" Steve asked making me snap out of my slight daze. "What I- oh uh," I then cleared my throat which is a weird nervous habit I didn't know I had until Sam pointed it out to me. 

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