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Steve Rogers

"Buck!" I called out once I had finished off the blueberry waffles sporting bacon, eggs, and ham. I quickly plated everything before setting them onto the dining room table, neatly, and effectively.

"Bucky!" I called out again before looking up at the archways leading into the hall. Usually by the second call the brunette would be stumbling into the front area with a cute smile and a giggle to go along with it, yet he wasn't there.

The hall was empty and there was no giggling nor smiling brunette. I only sighed before heading over to the kitchen to wash my hands in the sink, where I ended up gazing out of the window above it. Today is a beautiful day. There are no clouds in sight as Manhattan seems just as lively as always.

Maybe, if Bucky's feeling up to it, I can take him to the park later; once i break him out of his funk. I smiled softly at the idea before rinsing off my hands and drying them with a towel nearby. With that, I started to head towards the hall which led to Bucky and I's shared bedroom and the other rooms.

"Bucky!? Breakfast is ready!" I announced before I turned into our room, where the sound of music became quite evident. That's probably why he's not answering me, he can't hear me. I hummed with a smile at the thought as I walked over to the closed bathroom door, knocking on it softly.

"Buck, breakfast is ready. I need you to come out now." I chimed in a caring voice. I don't need a repeat of what happened this morning, so it's best to play things safe. "Bucky." I repeated, knocking on the door once again.

I bit the inside of my lip a bit, staring at the white door in confusion. Is he not hearing me? No, he has super hearing like me so he should be able to hear me over the music.

"Bucky?" I asked dauntingly before knocking on the door once more. I felt as my forehead knotted in worry as no sound of movement came from beyond the door, just music.

It was then that I decided that I should try the handle of the door, yet when I did, I found it locked, fueling my distress even more. "Bucky, I need you to open the door." I said, pulling on the door knob, but not enough to pull it out of it's socket. I huffed due to worry but also anger that bubbled up in me.

"James Buchanan Barnes, if you don't open the door right this instant; I will kick it down and you will find yourself standing in the naughty corner." I growled, hoping to hear something, but I didn't. There was no response. Everything inside the room sounded extremely still and quiet, to quiet...

"Bucky?" I asked worriedly before huffing. "Okay, fine then." I said before I used my strength to rip the door knob out of its holding, leaving only a circle of where it was. I immediately, yet gently, opened the bathroom door before walking in.

I was expecting to see Bucky sitting on the floor, crying, maybe; but what I did find was neither of those thoughts. I froze in place as I felt my blood run cold, my eyes went wide, my stomach churned, my jaw dropped, and my heart metaphorically fell to the floor as a shudder wracked it's way through my body.

"BUCKY!" I screamed before darting over to where the brunette was submerged under the blood colored water that he seemed to have sunken into, as it also coated the floor, tinting the once white tiles; pink. I almost slipped in the water, but I was able to balance myself at the last minute by gripping the tub, which placed a mighty dent into it.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god." I heard myself repeat over and over as I pulled his unconscious- hopefully just unconscious, yet possibly- no, he's not de- he's just...

I pulled him out of the water not caring how soaked I became due to it. "Bear, Bucky, Baby- come on. Wake up. Please wake up." I pleaded as tears started to make it's way out of my eyes. I fell to the floor and pulled him into my lap, holding him bridal style, not caring that I'm sitting in a pile of water.

My Bucky BearWhere stories live. Discover now