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Natasha Romanoff

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After Bucky went sleep I familiarized myself with the apartment making sure to remember where certain items were placed before my phone rang. The caller I.D read 'Arrows' before I answered it.

"What do you want Clint?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen taking the frozen Dino nuggets from out of the freezer. "I want to know where you are." Clint voice stated as I scoffed in response. 

"You don't have to know no such thing." I say opening the bag and taking some out resting it on a baking tray. 

"Yes I do, especially when my best friend just decides to up and leave without telling me bye means that your up to no good." He say making me chuckle. 

"Well I'm sorry that I didn't tell you bye, but I was kinda in a rush," I say clipping the nugget bag close before pushing it back into the freezer. "Sorry." I added softly as I put the tray of nuggets in the oven before filling up a pot with water. 

"Oh okay that's fine, apology accepted." He say before sighing. "Well um, what are you doing?" He asked as I sat down on the couch waiting for the nuggets to be done and for the water to boil. 

"I'm about to make Dino nuggets with mac 'n cheese." I say receiving a laugh and a loud bang which proceeded with a 'ow'. 

"Your in the vents again." I said in a monotone voice making the archer sigh. "Yeah." He said as I got up to check on the pot of water which is now boiled. 

"Stark is going to make hawk chicken out of you." I say taking a box of mac 'n cheese out of the cupboard, opening it, and pouring it into the water. "Yea I know, but he and Peter have been cooped up in the lab for the past three days. Tony just left and I wanna know what Peter's doing in there." He say as I sighed. 

"You know that as soon as you get into the vets for his lab Jarvis will alert Tony. Then he's going to put the air condition on blast making you a Capsicle." I say stirring the macaroni making sure it wont stick to the pot. 

"Yeah i know, but T can at least try." He say making me shrug my shoulders in response. "It's your funeral." I say with a sigh. "And I accept that." Was all he said before I heard him turn into a new vent. 

"And I'm here." He announced as I checked on the nuggets making sure that their getting hot. "I am now making my way to the grates." He whispered as I closed the oven looking back at the macaroni in the pot. 

"And now I'm looking through the grates?" He said as it sounded more of question than a statement. "Wait, you got to the grate? Jarvis didn't alert him?" I asked stirring the pot a bit more. 

"No, wait what-" He then went silent as he observed whatever it was. "Imma have to call you back." He whispered as I scrunched up my face. "Is everything okay?" I asked making the man grunt in disapproval. 

"No, not really." With that he hung up as I sighed putting my phone back into my pocket. I wonder what he may have seen. I then took the pot off of the stove draining the water before adding the butter, cream, and cheese packet before stirring it mixing the ingredients together perfectly. 

It was then that I heard a shout come from the other room. "No-No wet me go! Daddy! Help me pwease! Pwease!" Bucky shouted as I put the fork down, turned off the stove, and sprinting towards the room pocket knife in hand. 

When I got there I quickly realized that he is just having a nightmare. "Oh sweetheart." I whisper before pocketing my knife and gently tapping him. Bucky's eyes snapped open before he broke out into a loud broken sob. 

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