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Steve Rogers
♡ ☆ ♡

It was little after 8 in the morning when everything came crashing down. "What the fuck!?" I loud voice shouted making my head snap up from eating the breakfast that i so happily cooked for Bucky. 

"Clint?" I asked as we both gazed at the archer who lost all color in his face. "What are you wearing, why do you have a sippy cup and a pacifier sat next to you. What is happening?" Clint rambled as I saw Bucky put his fork down sadly. 

"Clint we can expl-" The man quickly cut me off. "No, I don't need an explanation. This is already weird and-" He then paused to scan Bucky once again. "Disgusting." He spat as I felt my heart break for Bucky who already had tears in his eyes. 

"Don't you dare call him disgusting." I growled making Bucky pitch. I so wanted to comfort him but I wanted to take care of Clint first. "Don't you dare call him disgusting." He mimicked in a low voice before chuckling. 

"That's what he is. That is what the both of you are if you support whatever stunt Bucky's pulling." He say as I got up from where I sat standing in front of the little to show him that I'm protecting him. 

"Wait so you- Oh my god your okay with this?" He shouted as I simply put on my Captain America mask hardening my face showing no emotion but serious.

 "Why wouldn't I be? He's my best friend?" I say making the green eyed man burst out into laughter. "Tony wasn't kidding when he said that your weird." He say as I looked at him confused. "Tony?" I asked making the man nod. 

"Do you really think that the team is friends with you and this-" He then stopped to eye Bucky from behind me showing disgust on his face. "Serial killer that you protect." He spat making Bucky jump at the word killer. 

"Were being paid by Tony to talk to you two, to act like we like you. To you know-" He said before smiling. 

"To be your friend." He say as I heard a small whimper come from Bucky. "And by we I mean the whole team." He said as Bucky whimper got a bit louder. 

"Sweetheart I need you to be a good baby boy and go to your room for me please." I whispered so only Bucky could hear. I heard a whine as a response before he ran to his room. "Go on run you freak!" Clint shouted before I heard the door slam shut before i tuned to Clint as my anger boiled. 

"Geez its sad when you cant handle when someone tells you who you a-" I cut him off as my fist collided with his face. "What thE FUCK!" Clint shouted as he held his eye. "Get out." I said in a low voice as Clint simply stared back at me. 

"I said- GET OUT!" I shouted as I pointed at the elevator. He still started back at me as I huffed angrily. 

"Get out, get out, get ouT, GET OUT, GET THE FUCK OUT!" I screamed as I led him to the elevator which Jarvis opened before I pushed him in making a very deep dent into the wall. 

"Tell Stark that he doesn't have to pay you all anymore and tell him that Bucky and I are moving out." I growled before the doors closed. With that the floor fell silent before I heard the sound of a door opening. I turned around to see a bawling Bucky walk out trying to contain his tears.

 "Oh baby come here." I whispered as he immediately ran into my arms as I scooped him up rubbing circles into his back. With that he cried harder into my shoulder as I felt my heart break more and more the louder it got.

"Shh bear." I whispered as I continued to rub wide circles into his back. "Imma a-a fweak." He whimpered as I felt my blood run cold. "What? No, no baby your not a freak." I whispered as he continued to cry. 

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