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*Trigger Warning; Self Harm, Suicide Attempt ~ please do proceed with caution fellow Littles!!!*

Steve Rogers

I woke up to the sound of whimpering. It wasn't loud but it sounded broken and scared. The fact that it sounded muffled confused me. I opened my eyes sleepily to see that the room is masked in a orange hue showing that the sun is currently coming up out of the horizon.

It was then that the whimpering made it's way into the room louder making me more confused, and it defiantly doesn't help that I just woke up and I'm slightly disorientated. I slowly rolled over expecting Bucky to be there yet he isn't, the little isn't in the bed. 

With that I went wide eyed and sat up quickly. Crap. My eyes scanned the room hastily before it landed on the closed bathroom door where the noise seem to be coming from. 

I quickly yet quietly got up out of the bed before making my way to the bathroom door as the whimpering became louder the closer I got. 

When I reached to the door I pressed my ear up against the wooden surface listening closely to the heart breaking and gut wrenching sobs that emitted from behind the door. 

"Bucky." I say making the sobbing stop instantly as if it was on a scorch record. The room became eerily silent as I could tell the brunette was trying his best to keep his sobs to himself. 

"Buck-" It was then that his scratchy and wavering voice spoke. "Go away." Bucky's voice echoed sounding broken and lost. I quickly dismissed the comment before speaking up. 

"Are you okay? Can you come out of the bathroom please." I say making the room go quiet once again. "I'm fine." He stated in a plain voice that held no emotion what so ever. "What about-" He then cut me off. 

"I'm also fine right where I am, so can you please leave me alone." He say making me shake my head no in protest. I am not leaving him alone, why would I do that? I may be dumb but I'm not stupid. 

"No Bucky, I'm not going to leave you alone." I say before sighing and shifting on my feet a bit. "Can you come out, please." I pleaded receiving no answer. "We can make a pie, I know you like apple pie." I say once again receiving no answer. 

"I can help you regress if you want me to." I whispered as a heavy sigh emitted from the other side of the door accompanied with a small sniffle. 

"No Steve, like I said before I'm fine." The man say as I bit the inside of my lip before speaking up again. 

"What if-" He then cut me off once more. "I'm not little Steven!" He yelled making me wide eyed at the random burst of anger including the fact that he just said my name. My full first name. Bucky has never called me by my given name unless it's serious. 

"I'm big so leave me the hell alone." He growled as I heard him slam his flesh hand on the ground in anger. I felt when my mouth fell open a bit in shock before I quickly snapped it shut. 

"Right," I say as I leaned up from off of the door feeling my eyes burn from the impending tears. "Sorry," I mumbled looking at the ground at my feet as my vision blurred. 

"I'll uh-" I then cut myself off with a heavy sigh as I allowed the tears to fall out of my eyes and down my cheeks. 

"I'll be in the living room." I uttered quickly not bothering to move. I stood there in front of the door for a bit hoping that he will respond to me, yet I got no answer.

 As soon as I turned away from the door a sob came from behind it sounding louder and a lot more broken than before. 

I glanced back at the door letting my tears drip from my chin as I looked at it. Should I force my way into the bathroom and comfort him? Ye- No, he wants to be alone. That's what he wants, he knows what he wants. 

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