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Steve Rogers


"Okay little man, it's time for us to go." A whimper then slipped from my lips before I was suddenly being lifted up off of the platform and carried out of the cool playground structure. I didn't want to go home, not right now.

The park was a great option for an outing. Fresh air, trees, animals, insects, slides and swings, lost and lots of playing equaling lots and lots of fun. "Nnooo." I whined, burying my face into Sam's neck, Sam however simply chuckled.

"I know you liked the park and we'll come back some day, I promise," He says, pressing a soft kiss into my head. I let out a small hum in slight annoyance, but also acceptance because I know he's telling the truth.

"-but we have an even better thing to go and experience." I stayed quiet, pouting to myself before I felt Sam pull me away from him and slot me into my stroller. "What's up with Little America?" Uncle Tony asked as he glanced down at me with a small smile.

"He doesn't want to leave." Sam says, making the billionaire let out a chuckle. The brunette then reached down, pushing a strand of my blonde hair out of my face. "You'll be okay kiddo. We have an even better place to visit, I'm sure you'll love it." He exclaimed happily.

With that the man straightened back up just as Sam started to push the stroller in which Peter was simply walking hand in hand with Tony. "Wha can possum-bully be fun-er than the park?" Peter asked, big doe eyed filled with wonder as always.

"Can't tell ya, bud." Tony chimed, making Peter pout for a second before a huge smile formed on his face. "Okay!" He chimed as we all continued our way to the car. Once we got there I was placed into my car seat and quickly buckled in along with Uncle Tony buckling Peter up in his car seat before I watched as Sam broke down the stroller as it was placed into the back trunk.

With that the two caregivers got into the two front seats as Tony started up the car and pulled out of the parking space. "Onto our next adventure!" Tony chimed as he pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road.

"How long till we get dear?" Peter asked as he fiddled with his Iron bear in which I simply pushed my Paci into my mouth, softly sucking on it. It was then that my mouth started to water, I can totally go for a bottle right about- oh and there is my stomach growling.

"Uh, 30 minutes, more or less. Depends on if there's any traffic." Tony said as Peter slowly nodded. "Toe-" I then ended up cutting Peter off as I pulled my pacifier out of my mouth.

"Tam. Buba, peas?" I whispered in which I saw the dark skinned man glance up into the mirror to look back at me. "Sure sunshine." He says, making Tony also glance back at me.

"I should've figured you would have been hungry right about now. Especially after all of that playing you and Peter did." He mumbled as he started to do something that I couldn't really see.

"Are you hungry as well, Pete?" He asked, receiving a nod from the little. "Yes, snack pease." He voiced cutely. "Of Course, bud." It was then that I kinda tuned out everyone else in the car, popping my paci back into my mouth as my eyes wandered outside where we were passing many buildings, big and small along with lots of pretty colors.

Among the dull colors I spotted two ladies walking their dogs while they talked animatedly. "Bear wove woofs." I mumbled to myself around my Paci in which my fingers found their way to the car seat buckle that I started to play with, just to keep myself busy. "Big woofs 'ake Bear happy, weally happy." I say before tears filled my eyes. "Miss Bear."

"Steve, sunshine." My head snapped up toward the new voice to see Sam staring back at me, obviously concerned and may have been trying to get my attention a little while now. "What's wrong, bud. Are you okay?" He asked as I didn't answer him in which my eyes instead fell down towards the bottle that he held.

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