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Steve Rogers
♡ ☆ ♡

I lugged the luggage in as Bucky helped with the small stuff before we both flopped down onto the couch. The apartment looked just like it came out of the tower as it sported the same colors and style. Gray and white, modern. 

"What do you feel like doing Bear?" I asked making the little look up at me. "Pway." He whispered as I sighed sadly. "But we don't have nothing to play with baby." I say as he pouted a bit. "Make up some-tin." He say making me smile. 

"Wanna make up something?" I asked making him nod. "Okay sweetheart, what do you have in mind?" I asked as Bucky started thinking before gasping. 

"Me run from Dinosaur." He say excitedly as he basically vibrated in his seat from excitement. "So I'm the Dino?" I asked making the little nod their head vigorously. 

"Well you better start running before the Dino eats you." I explained making the brunette squeal before he hopped up from the couch and started running in a random direction. 

"Roar! I'm coming to eat you!" I exclaimed as I ran after him making him giggle and squeal more. 

"No, bad Dino. Dino no eat Bucky!" He claimed as he continued to run. "Yes he does, he already ate his main course he just wants Bucky for dessert!" I exclaimed making the Little laugh before he ducked into a room not brothering to close the door. 

When I walked into the guest room it looked in pristine shape, like no little came in there in the first place. "Bucky~" I sung stalking into the room slowly. "Where are you sweet sweet surprise." I hummed before facing the closet. 

"Arree yyoou in here?" I asked before opening the closet door walking in finding no giggling long haired brunette. I then stalked back into the room eyeing the bed suspiciously. 

"Are you-" I say walking over. "Under here?!" I exclaimed once again not finding the little. I scrunched up my face confused before getting up from off of the floor. 

"Bucky?" I asked literally concerned. I then opened the bathroom door also finding the bathroom empty. 

"Where are you sweetheart?" I asked softly. I was when I was about to close the door a heard the faint sound off giggling. A huge smile was placed on my face as worry and concern disappeared. 

"I heard you, so I know your in here." I say walking back into the bathroom. It was then that a heard the giggle again but a bit louder. My eyes darted to the big shower that I just realized had it's glass fogged so I can't see inside. My baby's smart. 

"Oh Bucky, where are you~" I sung as I stalked closer to the shower. "Arree yyoouu in here?" With that I opened the shower door seeing the little smiling brightly as he sat crossed legged in the corner. 

"No Bucky's not here sowy." He say as I tried to hide the smile that formed onto my face. "Oh okay." I say acting like I was going to leave.

"Wait a minute." I say walking back to the shower seeing the little wide eyed as he thought he can out smart me. 

"Bucky?" I asked as he shook his head no. "No." He say before running and diving through my legs before quickly pushing himself up from off of the floor and running out of the door. I let out a small laugh before running after him. Who knew that playing Dino would be so tatical?

After a bit of running I finally cornered him in our room. "I'm going to eat you!" Say making him chuckle. 

"No steeb, steeb no eat Bucky Bear." He say as I scooped him into my arms and rest him on the bed tickling him and blowing raspberries onto his stomach. 

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