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Steve Rogers
♡ ☆ ♡

"Yeah, tomorrow. Bye." I hung up from Fury with a sigh. He wants me to come into work tomorrow. I really didn't feel like going but hey I can't just take care of Bucky all my life without having some type of income. 

Soon I pulled up at the grocery store. I parked into a parking spot close to the entrance just incase we get more groceries than we came for. I looked over to the little who was laying down seeming very comfortable in the seat. 

His long brown hair was tucked behind his ear making his face clear for everyone to see. He would suck on his pacifier every so often due to being in a deep sleep. I lightly tapped Bucky waking him up. 

"Bucky, Bear were here." I say receiving no answer. "Bear?" I asked tapping him a bit harder, this time I received a small child like whine even though he still seemed asleep. A small smile came to my face hearing the noise which came from the little before trying again.

"Bucky, Baby we made it to the store." This time I earned a small groan before his steel blue eyes lazily flickered open. "Hi daddy." He greeted sleepily around his pacifier making goosebumps run down my arms at the word. I simply pressed a kiss to the side of of his head happily. 

"Hey baby, how was your sleep?" I asked making the little slowly nod. "Twas good." He mumbled as I gave him a small smile. "That's good." I whispered before he slowly sat up scanning the parking lot. 

"You ready?" I asked as he took his paci out of his mouth giving me a nod. He then pocketed his paci before we got out of the car and I slipped my hand into his. This is a feeling I will always love. 

Back in our time not being able to hold hands or show affection in public killed us. Well not us per say, mostly Bucky. Why? Well that's because he was constantly worried about my sick feisty butt. 

At times he would simply pull me by the sleeve of my jacket making it seem like we were rushing to some place so that everyone around us wouldn't care that much, but in reality he just wanted to have some type of physical connection to me. 

At times I use to get touchy too. Especially in crowds. I would stand behind him and hold onto his shirt or coat or whatever he may be wearing just so he can know I was there and just so it could have calmed my anxiety a bit. Being able to show affection in public is something we would never get use to but will always love. 

I quickly got us a shopping cart which made Bucky a bit antsy since he had to stand at the entrance alone for a bit but when i came back he quickly put a small smile on his ace before following me. 

He used my shirt as a guide since he was still dazed from his nap. When we walked in the sudden change of temperature made me shiver a bit. I never did like the cold after the plane crash incident. "Okay baby boy what fruits do you want?" I asked as his blueish grayish eyes scanned the abundance of fruit. 

"Plums." He say making me chuckle. "I know you want that, but what else do you want besides plums?" I asked as he scanned the fruits once more. "Mango 'n star-bewies." He said as I nodded. 

"Okay, anything else?" I asked making the little shake his head no. With that I picked up two containers of strawberries before bagging some mango's and plums. I also picked up some oranges for me and probably Bucky if he's in the mood. 

"Moving onto snacks, what do you want?" I asked sweetly as I led us into the snack isle. With that he let go of my shirt and scanned the items biting his lip softly. In the end he picked up Doritos, Funyuns, Teddy Bear cookies, and Oreos. 

"Good boy." I cooed making the little blush light pink at the praise. He immediately went back to holding onto my shirt as we walked into another isle. "Cereal." I announced softly. He quickly let me go and picked up a box of fruit loops and a box of frosted flakes before adding them to the cart. It was like this through out the entirety of store before we got to self check out. 

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