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Peter Parker

Beep beep beep beep

Sleepily I rolled over, shoving my hand out from under the covers to blindly grab for my phone where I turned off the alarm with ease. After doing so i found myself just laying there, my mind trying to catch up with itself before i pulled the covers from off of my body, forcing myself out of my bed.

"Good Morning, Peter. Sir is making breakfast for you, he said it will be done in 10 minutes." I smiled at that before nodding. "Thanks Jarvis." I chimed before a yawn forced it's way out of my mouth as i walked towards the bathroom.

There i stripped myself from my clothing, taking a quick yet thorough shower. Once done i got out of said shower, drying myself off before walking over to the sink with the towel still wrapped around my waist.

I sighed before I grabbed my toothbrush, squirting some of the toothpaste i onto its bristles before brushing my teeth, it didn't take to long as for when I was done I rinsed out my mouth and toothbrush before washing my face and exiting said bathroom.

"Jarvis, is Dad almost done?" "Not quite, but by the time you're done getting dressed and doing your hair, he should be done." I only nodded at the information before I walked into my walk in closet, shrugging on the clothes that Mr. Stark and I picked out together which consisted of blue jeans and a sience pun shirt with one of his M.I.T hoodies that I use for comfort most of the time. I tied it all in with some regular sneakers before glancing in the head to toe mirror to make sure that I looked okay.

Once I was done I exited the closet, grabbing my already packed bag where I shoved my phone and charger into it before exiting my room where I was hit with the sound of other voices that I couldn't really identify. I heard Mr. Stark voice clearly, but then weirdly I'm also hearing Aunty Pepper and Uncle Rhodey's own too.

I frowned a little at that before I made my down the short hall where as soon as I rounded the corner the mysterious voices were confirmed. Uncle Rhodey is sitting at the dining table, single leaf papers of something seeming important covering the surface as Aunty Pepper is sitting on our couch, watching the news as she speaks into her phone. Mr. Stark however, is in the kitchen, on his phone texting someone.

"Peter, hey! How've you been?" Uncle Rhodey exclaimed as he finally looked up from his work with a bright smile. "I've been good." I say, stepping over to give the man a hug. "So uh, what's all of this?" I asked once we pulled away. Confused i scanned over some of the files.

"Adult business." The man explained, making me send him slight glare. "I'm not little." "It's still considered adult business until your dad tells you what's going on." I then sighed before nodding. "Fine." I muttered, receiving a lop sided smile from the dark skinned man instead.

With that I made my way over to my lovely Aunt who sat on the couch, still busy as ever on her phone. Once she turned around, sensing my presence, she gave me a firm hug, pressing many kisses into my head that ended up with me giggling happily. Once done I then walked over to dad who seemed to just had pull my French toast out of the oven where he kept it warm.

"Hey buddy, how was your sleep?" He asked as he also slid me a fork. I took no time resting my bag down near me as I sat on the stool, digging into my breakfast. "It was good, really good." I chimed, sending the man a small smile before glancing around the room thoughtfully.

"So, do you wanna tell me what's going on?" I asked with one of my eyebrows raised. The man sighed before he turned on his heels, grabbing a cup so that he can pour me my drink. "Hydra is what's going on." I then frowned, tilting my head in confusion. "What's happening again?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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