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Steve Rogers
♡ ☆ ♡

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the apartment door. I immediately got out of bed making sure Bucky was safe and asleep before grabbing my shield and exiting the room. I cautiously made my way down the hall and into the front area where the sun light of the already risen sun shined through the window. 

Usually I would take a minute of two to memorize it, just to draw it later but there's no time for that. I slowly made my way to the door biting my lip ever so softly. I quickly unlocked the door before opening it bringing my shield up for protection. 

"Steve it's me." The voice of Tony said making me slowly peeked up from behind my shield putting it down. 

"Tony?" I asked as I saw Peter shyly shift behind him keeping his head down as the billionaire held his hand. Stark also had a baby bag on his shoulder which was light blue with clouds on it.

"What-" I then glanced down the halls finding no one else. "What are you doing here, how did you find us?" I asked making Tony huff. 

"I'm Tony Stark, I knew where you and The Manchurian Candidate were ever since you both left the tower." He stated before sighing. 

"I just decided to give you both your privacy like you wanted." He say before glancing back at Peter who still silently stood behind Tony gripping the older brunette's hand like a life line.

"Oh and I need you to do me a favor and look after Peter for me." He added quickly making me eye the two confused. "Isn't Peter like, fourteen?" I asked as Tony started to nod before shaking his head no. 

"Not right now he's not." He say as I waited for him to give me more information. He quickly adjusted the baby bag on his shoulder before speaking up.

"The reason why I wanted to care of Bucky is because I found out that Peter was a little and I," He then sighed before nervously running his fingers through his hair with his free hand. 

"I didn't want to hurt the kid in anyway, so I just wanted a trail run before Peter actually came." he mumbled not meeting my eyes.

 "And I thought that once I leave him home with Jarvis he would have been fine but Clint found out about him and freaked out." With that my eyes widened.

"He- How?" I asked making the man shrug lazily. "He was crawling in the vents and somehow didn't trip of Jarvis' sensors. So he found out, and it wasn't pretty." I noticed the way Peter backed up and tried to hide behind Tony a bit more. 

"Anyway uh, Fury called me in again today and he's," He say nodding his head towards Peter. "Scared to just stay in the tower with Jarvis alone. So I don't know what to and I didn't know what else to do than bring him here." He say before glancing up at me worry evident in those coffee brown eyes.

"Please Steve. Peter is almost in the same age range as Bucky and he's quiet." Tony pleaded as I glanced down at the frail boy before sighing and moving out of the way so they can enter the apartment. 

"Thank you, I owe you." Tony stated as he and Peter entered the house. The billionaire quickly scanned the front area before turning to Peter who was still gripping onto the older man's hand. 

"Peter, bug, I have to go." Tony whispered making the teen or should I say toddler shake his head no. "No leave, no leave me pwease." Peter pleaded making the older brunette sigh. 

"I'm not leaving you indefinitely, I'm just leaving you for a couple hours." He explained with a small smile. "I'm coming back for you, I promise." Tony say before he looked away from Peter to me. 

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