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Bucky Barnes
♡ ☆ ♡

"Доброе утро, солдат." A voice of a person I knew a bit to well echoed off of the walls. I slowly opened my eyes finding myself back in my cell. My cell in Hydra. "No no no no." I mumbled as I scanned the room once more before tugging on my arms realizing that they were cuffed. 

"Yes солдат, you thought you could run from us didn't you?" Handler's heavily Russian accented voice asked as shook my head no. "Shut up, let me go!" I shouted receiving a deep chuckle from him. 

"Your Hydra's property James." He snarled. "It took you twenty years to except that and because your our oh so valuable asset we will make sure it take less for to remember that. We didn't let you go then, so why would we let you go now?" He state as I felt tears starting to rush down my face. 

As Handler walked towards me I felt myself sink into head space with every step. "No! I wan daddy net me go!" I shouted as I kept tugging on the handcuffs hoping that they would break but deep down I know they wont. 

"Poor baby." He whispered as he stopped and kneeled down in front of me. "You want your daddy?" He asked as he ran his thumb down my cheek. I simply nodded making the man chuckle. 

"Your daddy left you here to rot in a cell." He spat making my eyes widen. "No. Daddy no leave me. Daddy wove's Bucky." I say making Handler scoff. 

"If he loved you you wouldn't be here with us right now. So on your feet soldier." Handler said as I shook my head no feeling some of the tears fall onto my pants with the motion. 

"I said oN YOUR FEET SOLDIER!" He yelled as I shook my head no once more. "NO I WAN DADDY!" I screamed making Handler frown. He then got up from off of the ground and walked away from me facing the wall.

"Do you know what happens to naughty babies?" He say as I looked up at the man hesitantly not bothering to answer. "They get punished. And you James are being extremely naughty right now." He say as my eyes widened. 

"N-No I good, Buck-Bucky's good." I stuttered out as handler shook his head no. He then took out a pocket knife from out of the pocket of his lab coat. "What's done is done." He said as he turned towards me and started to walk in my direction.

 "DADDY!" I screamed as I yanked on the restraints. "DADDY PWEASE! NO! BUCKY GOOD, BUCKY GOOD BOY!" I screamed making Handler smirk in amusement. 

"HELP, DADDY PWEASE, HELP ME!" I screamed as Handler pointed the knife towards me. "Hail Hydra." Handler said as the knife swiped down making me close my eyes in fear. 

"Bucky Baby." Steve's voice said making my eyes snap open. My arms were pinned to the bed as i took in deep breathes making a lump form in my throat. I then looked up at the blonde above me. 

"Daddy?" I whisper as Steve gave me a small smile before letting me go. "Yes Bab-" I didn't let him finish as I rammed myself into his chest making him wrap his arms around me almost immediately. 

"Bucky good boy, Daddy no leave wight?" I whispered before a sob surged through my body making me shake uncontrollably. Steve simply wrapped him arms around me tighter trying to comfort me. 

"What?" Steve hissed. "God no Buck, I would never leave you." He said before he started to rub wide circles into my back. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" The blonde say wiping my tears and supposed sweat as I continued to cry. I tried my best to compose myself before I started to talk. 

"Hydwa. D-Dey had me. An-" I didn't get to finish before I broke down into broken sobs once again. "Oh bear." Steve whispered already getting the gist of the dream. It was then that Steve pushed my pacifier into my mouth whiles rocking us back an forth. 

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