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Thor Odinson

I sighed as I tucked my phone into my pocket, ignoring the way it buzzed with incoming messages from a source I no longer want any contact with. I should just delete their number or something, but I can't bring myself to do so. What if they suddenly need help and they can't get a hold of me? What would mother say then?

How would i feel about that? What would the consequences be for my actions? Would she scold me or would she scold them for causing the events leading up to me not wanting to be in contact with them. Is my feelings on this situation even valid at this point? Or am I over inflating what had happened?

"Thor." My head snapped up at the muffled voice, eyes immediately meeting Tony's who was giving me a sad smile beyond the glass of the car window. I then rolled down the window a little, mimicking his smile as best as i can.

"How long have you all been here?" I asked nervously. "Not long." The brunette whispered, eyeing me a little with a calculating look on his face. As quickly as I noted the expression, said expression was gone and now replaced with a sincere smile.

"Sam is setting down the blanket with the kids." He added before he narrowed his eyes a little. "How are you feeling?" He asked as my smile quickly replaced itself with a frown, looking away from the Midgardian.

"I would rather not focus on myself at this hour. I came to make the little's happy, they do not have to see this side of me. It would break the illusion." The billionaire then raised one of his eyebrows.

"The illusion of what exactly? The illusion of you faking your happiness?" I simply nodded grimly. "Precisely." The smaller man let out a huff before he looked out to where Sam was handling the kids phenomenally.

"Tonight after all of this, you and I are going to have a talk about what's happening in your life." He stated firmly before he turned on his heels, walking towards the entrance for the beach.

"Come on Lebowski, get that smile on your face. Peter is excited to play and Steve is itching to meet you." I smiled a little at Tony's nickname that I do not know the reference of, before I nodded.

"Right." I mumbled before I grabbed my backpack, screwing up the window of my truck before getting out and locking it; following behind the smaller man.

As Tony leads me down to where they placed themselves, the sight of Peter running around happily and Steve sitting down near; playing in the sand, a natural smile was brought to my face. If they can be happy in their own little bubble, so can I.

"Little ones! Hello!" I exclaimed, making both littles eyes dart up in my direction. Sam however was securing their shoes at the edges of the sheet to make sure it wouldn't fly away.

"Unca' T'or!" Peter squealed before he darted in my direction, his little body colliding into mine for a big hug.

"Hello Knight Peter! It seems like you have quite a bit of energy to expel." Peter let out a fit of giggles before I felt Tony take my bag off of my arm in which I proceeded to pick up the little brunette, resting him on my shoulder.

"Took a nap, bu' very 'wake now." He explained, making Tony smile as that only made me let out a chest rumbling laugh.

"I am glad! Warriors like you need their energy to complete magical quests." I exclaimed, making the little giggle a little more before I felt him place his hand in my hair, running his fingers over the golden strands, totally distracted from our previous conversation.

"Samuel! Greetings! How have things been?" I asked the dark skinned man who smiled up at me from the sheet he was sitting on.

"Things have been great, I can't complain since I've only been taking care of that little one over there." The man says, pointing in the direction of where Steve is sitting.

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