How the tables have turned

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"Holy sh-crap, that's so good Samantha." I said looking at her garment 


"Is there like a story or something behind it?"

"Yeah, so basically there's this girl and she only lives off of like flower energy and water. So when she wears this it's like her lifeline, or she can put this on when she's not around flowers or anything."

I was shocked at how much talent these kids had, it was so cute.

"That's amazing."

I looked around monitoring everyone's progress. They were all amazing. 

"Alright guys it's break time." 

Everyone stopped working and headed out to go get something to eat. They were 13-17 I trust them, plus their parents gave them permission to. But there was this one guy who stayed back and continued to work on his garment.

"Yo Danny, why aren't you getting something to eat?"

"Eh I'm not hungry plus I wanna finish this dress." He said hand sewing a part on the dress

"You know you'll have plenty of time to work on it later right?"

"Yeah I know but I just wanna finish it."

"But I can't just have you work here without a break, that's like, child labor."

He laughed.

"It's fine really."

"You sure?"


"Well I'ma order food right now, so if you want anything let me know."

"Ok thank you."

"Of course sweet heart."

I went over to my desk and started to order chick fil a. Once I finished placing my order I turned on King of Rock n roll. 

"As she looks at me and laughs, I remind her of the fact, I'm the king of rock n roll completely." I sung standing up

"All the pretty birds have flown, now I'm dancing on my own, I'm the king of rock n roll completely." I sung now dancing around danny and his work space

He laughed as I continued.

"New blues this groove my baby blues, hot dog, jumpin frog Albuquerque!" I grabbed his hands and started jumping around with him

"Hot dog jumpin frog Albuquerque!" We both sung 

"Fight the good fight gonna fight the good fight oh yeeeah."

As we sung and danced around I noticed the door opened. I see Tyler walking out. We both stopped and looked at hi,

"Dude those moves were lame as fuck."  He said


"Sorry, hey lil dude." Tyler said nodding his head to Danny


He left my side and went back to his work space.

"Hey Baby." Tyler said pecking my lips

"Hey, what're you doing here?"

"I can't just show up?"

"No. Actually you can't."

"Oh well I just came to check in but where is everybody?"

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