22- Tour life

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It was like 8 in the morning and everyone was loading their luggage into the RV. Clancy was driving. 

"Rocky I'm tired." I whined putting my head on his shoulder

"Hold on let me put my suitcase in first ok baby."

I nodded my head and he put his gucci suitcase on top of someone else's.

"Come on." He said leading me inside

"Damn this bitch is bomb." I said

"For real, thankfully we're the first one's so we can pick our rooms." He said


We looked in all the rooms but the one at the end of the hallway caught our eye. It was the master bedroom I'm assuming.

"Yesssss." I said flopping on the bed

He sat next to me cuddling me. I instantly fell asleep, but I can't say the same for some of the others cause I heard them laughing but I was that tired that I could tune them out.

10:00 AM

I woke up and Rocky wasn't there. I looked around, got up, and walked out of the room. Everyone was in the front part of the RV talking on their phones ect.

 Everyone was in the front part of the RV talking on their phones ect

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"Sup clem." Taco said

"Hey Tac."

I sat on the couch next to Tyler who was sitting next to Rocky. Tyler was drawing in his book, and that gave me the idea of working on new designs for my clothes. But first I went to go check out the shipping to make sure everybody's getting everything. Then I get a call from an unknown number.

Clementine: Hello

UNKN: Is this Clementine Waters

Clementine: Yes who's asking

UNKN: I'm Dave I handle UPS shipping and you have hundreds of orders that are being shipped but a big accident happened

I got up and went into my room.

Clementine: What do you mean accident

Dave: Our UPS headquarters went through a bad flood, all orders that were in that building we destroyed and we have to shut down the whole place until we can get everything fixed

Clementine: Well do you know how many of the items were destroyed

Dave: About 35

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath

Clementine: I definitely get my money back right

Dave: Soon

Clementine: I had 35 items that were supposed to go out today, I need that money back immediately 

Dave: Ms.Water you have to understand tens of thousands of packages were ruined, we are trying to get everyone under control

Clementine: All the shirts alone was 25 dollars, plus the thread which was 3 dollars each and I use about 3 different shirts so that's 65 dollars right there, PLUS the extra fabric which was 17 dollars, packaging for each item is about 25 dollars, that's 27,625 (A/N this is not random I actually had to multiply shit), and then on top if that I have to pay 23 dollars for every order I ship, I'm damn near 65 thousand dollars. No nigga run me my money.

Dave: I understand you frustration but we're still dealing with a bunch of problems-

Clementine: I'm not going to say it again, when will I get my money

Dave: There's no set date-

Clementine: GET ONE THEN!

Dave: Ma'am we're trying our best to work out the situation-

Clementine: I'll give y'all a week to get me the money and if not I'm taking y'all asses to court ok?

Dave: We definitely need more time than that Ms.Waters

Clementine: ONE WEEK

I sighed and hung up. I went over to my instagram to go live. I waited until there were 25K people there to start speaking.

"Hey guys!" Tyler said coming in

"T I'm not in the mood right now can I pleas do this in private?"

"What's going on?"

"I was about to tell em until you came in here."

"Why can't I stay."

"Cause this is something for me and my supports."

He was playing with his fingers.

"Tyler!" I yelled trying to get his attention


"Oh my goodn- I swear I'll tell you everything after ok? This is something I need to do on my own."

"Alright C." He said leaving

"This nigga got the attention span of a chihuahua, but that's pieces for ya."

"Buhh hey guys, it sucks that I have to do this bullshit. But..."

I stopped to read the comments, some were about where am I, where's rocky, are you on tour ect.

"So if some of y'all are wondering where your clothes is, USP's headquarters got, quote unquote flooded and they said about 35 of my packages are damaged. I don't want you guys to panic cause I'm gonna do everything in my power to get everything fixed. I lost damn near 60 g. I was tellin them I need my money this week so I can get the ummm, the materials again to make the shirts this nigga tellin me we can't get it this week so I told hi once again you got one week. But I am so sorry y'all's stuff isn't here the whole situation sucks ass but again I am so sorry and I'll be trying everything in my power to get everything up and running again."

I read this one comment that was like, 'you're clothes were about to be apart of my back to school fits' and it wasn't the only one apparently people were going back to school planning to wear my clothes.

"I am so sorry guys. I gotta go."


I went to go check on Clem cause she got off live.

"What happened?" I asked

"This lame UPS nigga told me their building got flooded and said all my packages got damaged and they don't know when I can get my money back."


"I'm taking this to court if they don't give me my money by the end of this week."

"For real you sure?"

"Yes TyLeR I'm sure, that's about 60 g I lost."

"Oh shit."

"Yeah, it sucks-"


"We'll talk about it later but tonight's about you and Rocky."

I nodded my head and we left.

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