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Ever since I asked the boys if they wanted to come to Paris they immediately left to go pack.

"Tyler I'm not FUCKING around!" I yelled packing more stuff

 But he continued laughing.

"Alright then you can stay here for all I care I have to meet Cal and them at LAX"

I zipped up my suit case and started packing my carry on bag.

"Stop moving so fast I'm coming."

"Well you wanna sit here and fucking play like I don't have to be in another fucking country in less than 24 hours!" I yelled

He didn't think that was funny. I put my laptop in, my chargers, sketch book, headphones, and all that other stuff in my bag. I sighed as I swung the backpack over my shoulder. He silently packed his stuff. I put my stuff downstairs asking Jasper and them if they were at the airport yet, of course they said yes. The black Uber was outside and at this point I was just waiting for T. He came downstairs and I walked out the door. We put our suitcases into the trunk and we were on our way to the airport. It was silent the whole way there. Once we arrived we took our suitcases out and walked into LAX. I was about to text Cal to ask him where he was but I felt someone grab my arm I looked up and it was him.

"Well hey to you too." I said

"No time for heys, come on! The flights about to leave your friends are already boarded."

"I'm just saying after this, I want a private Jet." 

He guided me over to the line and our bags and stuff were checked and we finally arrived on the plane. People were moving so slow, Tyler and I finally reached our seat, and the first thing I did was pull down the little tray thing and place my laptop on it. I had to write up a 500 worded essay on how I became "Successful" for Vouge. I looked over at Tyler and he was on his phone and he seemed upset.

"You good."

He just nodded.

"I'm not stupid. What's up. Are you mad."


"Is it because I yelled at you back home? Look I'm sorry it's just this means a lot to me and I didn't wanna fuck it up you know. I'm sorry if I made you feel a type of way." I said kissing his lips

He just looked at me.

"I want one more."

I kissed his lips again and he smiled.

"Aww you're so cute."

"I know."

I laughed and continued to write. 

"Yo stop touching me!" Jasper yelled at Taco

Taco kept hitting him and laughing about it. The lady announced that we were taking off but I just put in my headphones and played music and slept. 

A while later

"Clementine." Someone whispered 

I looked to my right and saw a girl, I jumped back wondering who she was and where Tyler was.

"Do I know you?"

"No, but I'm a big fan of your work and I wanted to get a picture."

"Where's Tyler."

"I think he went to the bathroom."

"Uhh Ok then."

She pulled out her phone and snapped a picture.

Finding Our Wings {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now