No time 59

303 13 7

A few weeks later|Clementine

"See and then you're gonna hem it right here." I said pointing to a certain part of the fabric

This was the last day of me working with Robin. Kinda sucks cause I've been getting to know her more and she's really cool. But lot's have happened. In about 4 more days my camp will be able to start. I've already got mad RSVP's. It was first come first serve kinda thing so not everyone could come. And since this is the first year, I didn't wanna have too many people. So about 50 kids will be here. Tyler insisted we have Pharelle, like he really wouldn't let it go. So guess who we're having? Pharelle. Speaking of Tyler, it's starting to become tour/shows/CFG/meet and greet season. And I don't like it cause he's gone a lot. But he loves it so I love it for him. 

"It's gorgeous." She said stepping back 

"I know. It was awesome working with you."

"You too, you're so cool."

Then her phone rang. 

"Hey...yeah...we just finished...ok...I'm coming. Alright bye."

She hung up and looked at me.

"My sisters here, thank you for this opportunity."

"Of course the pleasure is all mine."

"Bye Clementine."

"Bye Robin."

She gave me a hug (which I hugged back) before leaving. I love this dress more than words can explain and I know who would look perfect in it. 

Time Skip

"Clem!" Tyler yelled

He was literally, right next to me. 

"Why are you yelling?" I asked in my African accent 

He snickered before replying. 

"Look at this." He said handing me a little planner

It was for the month of May and he had mad shows this month, like about twice a week. For the most part they were here in California, but some were also in New York, D.C, ect. 

"That's a lot of performances." I said 

"I know right and on top of that I have a few interviews in between them."

"Are you getting paid?"

"For some of them; yeah."

"Ok then."


He stopped talking when my phone started to ring. It was an Unkown number, I answer them cause sometime it's important people. 

C: Hello 

?: Yo is this Clementine Waters

C: Yeah, who's asking 

?: Chris. Chris Brown

I rolled my eyes.

"Who is it?" Tyler mouthed

I put the phone to my chest.

"That nigga Chris Brown."


I put the phone back up to my ear. 

Crs: Hello?

C: I'm here, but what exactly are you calling for

Crs: I have an Event to go to and I was wondering if you could make me a suit bash darkskins, you're a colorist, homophobic, and a wife beater. Sorry sir, no can do

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