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I was laying on my stomach on my phone when I heard Clem get up and walk towards the bathroom with her clothes in her hand.

"Morning Clem."

She ignored me and went into the bathroom. What the fuck is her problem. She finally got out of the shower and I stared at her, in anger. She sighed and sat on her bed while going on her her phone.

"What the fuck is wrong with you."

"I'm tired Tyler, stop talking."

"How fuckin dare you. You got me all the way fucked up Clem. You're mad at me for no reason."

"I got my reason nigga."

"Then what is it?!"

"I don't wanna talk about it T now leave it alone!"

"No! You're my fucking best friend you have to tell me what's up with you?"

"I'm not doing this with you Tyler." 

"Clem, just talk to me."

"You wanna talk Tyler?" She asked moving her head 


"So let's talk. 1. Gina, she always has this little attitude with me looks at me as if I'm some stranger or peasant."

"You were being rude to her!"

"How?! I'm the one who brought you two together if it wasn't for me she wouldn't even know anything about you, if anything she should be thanking me and on her fucking knees praising me but I have too much self respect for that. 2. You claim we're best friends but yet you stay paying attention to other people, you don't even acknowledge m-"

"Are you fucking serious Clementine? All I do is pay attention why do you think I was on your ass about not calling me back the other night, or why do you think I'm trying so hard to get you to talk to me. I've been giving nothing but attention to you. What the fuck else do you want from me Clem? It's really the other way around, I sat up last night crying cause I thought something bad happened to you, I thought I lost my best friend forever, and there you come strolling through the door tell me to get off your tip not even caring about the pain I went through because of you."

She sat there in silence.

"So what's really up Clem?"

"I thought you had stopped loving me. I thought since ever since Gina came into your life she'd be your new best friend."

I sighed and went over to comfort her. She into her hands and I hugged her.

"When you said 'it's weird sharing a bed anyways' it made me feel like you didn't wanna be near me anymore. I don't EVER want you you to leave." She said

"I'm not, and you better not either."

"I wouldn't." 

She used her shirt to dry her tears. We looked at each other, and laughed.

"You're fucking weird." She said

"You are too."

A few days later| Clem

"OK well Tyler ever since you called me about the tour we've gotten 7 ideal states already that have a date and place for you right and now what we're working on is travel and any other states you or anybody else would want to go to." Clancy said

But Tyler was looking up probably in his thoughts.

"Yo Tyler!" Rocky said

Tyler looked back down at everybody else.


"Did you hear what this nigga said?" Rocky asked


"What'd he say then?" Jasper said

"He was talking about how we can pick out other states we want to go to so HA shove that in your ass you fag." Tyler said confidently

"Whatever." Jasper said

"What about some weird ass state like Idaho." Hodgy said

"Yes defiantly!" Earl said

Clancy wrote that down on his notepad.

"Rhode Island?" Jasper said

"That's damn near new york which is one of the places we're going to." I said


"Delaware." Taco said

"I've never been there before." Syd said

"Yes you have!" Taco said

"No I haven't."

"Yeah remember that one time mom took you for her job?"

"Oh nervermind."

Clancy also wrote that down.

"Nebraska." Tyler said

I looked at him.

"How sick would that be, all our old 'friends' coming to the show." Tyler said

"It's be funny but I don't know."

"But wouldn't that be fun?"

"What about Boston?"

"No nigga Nebraska, right in JPC (justice peach county)."

"That'd be so petty though."


"Fine T." I said sitting in the chair

"So what do we have so far?" Clem asked

"Ok Delaware, Florida, New York, Cali of course,  Arizona, Georgia, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Texas, Idaho." He listed 

"That's enough for me." Steve said

"For real, you don't understand how tiring it is, shows back to fucking back." Patrick (from the internet) said

"For real." Syd agreed

"Ok then I'll contact some venues so once those are set and done I'll contact you and you can put up the dates for all of your fans to see cool?" 

"Cool." We all said

"Alright this was really productive thanks guys talk to you soon."

"Bye Clancy." We all said

We got up and left. Rocky drove me and Tyler here so we left with him. It was so unfair, Tyler got to sit in the front but not me. We finally got back to the apartment and I headed upstairs to do same more shipping on my clothes and Tyler played around on the piano. 

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