29- New York New York pt2

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I saw a foot locker and went into that direction. There was a second floor so I went up there. That's where a majority of the customers where. Some yellow vans caught my eye and I went to go see if they had my size. I tried them on and I thought they were cute so I bought them along with some other ones.

"You find everything ok?"


"Yo you the girl with Tyler the creator."

"We're not dating."

"Nah, you with Asap Rocky."

"Mm." I hummed

"I love your clothes bro they're fire as fuck."

"Thanks man."

I paid for the shoes and left the store. Then I get a call from Tyler.

Gaptoothfag: Clem where you at

Clemthedyke: I just left footlocker

Gaptoothfag: Alright stay right there I can see the store from here

Clemthedyke: Ok, I'll be here

Gaptoothfag: Alright see you in a few

Clemthedyke: Bye T

He hung up and I waited for him at the entrance. I looked at the scenery until Tyler and them came.

"Damn how much stuff did you get?"

"Not that much."

"Whatever, I'm bout to go to this skateshop you tryna come."

"No cause you ignored me when I called."

"Look I'm sorry."

"No you're not."

"Yes we are now come on."

He grabbed my hand and led me into a store.

"Oh shit it's Tyler the creator." A worker said

"Wassup." Tyler nodded


"Yo look at that board." I said parting from Clem

I picked it up and examined it. I turn around to see Clementine pouting while her arms were crossed. I sighed and walked up to her.

"Clementine Waters. I'm sincerely sorry for being a dick and not helping you when you needed me. Please forgive me."

She didn't speak.

"Ok." She said hugging me

I picked her up and put her on my hip like a toddler cause she was small enough to be one. I laughed to myself as I thought that.

"Tyler put me down!"

"Shut up."

I picked up the the board and showed it to her.

"It's aight."

"Whatever you don't have taste anyways."

"Yes I do, and my taste is telling me, that that board over there is beautiful."

"This one?" I asked picking up the one she pointed to

"Yup. Put me down for real, I wanna test it."

I put her back down and she went to pick up a baby blue board with angles on it.

"It's so...ME!" She smiled

I just want her. Why can't she be mine. RIGHT NOW. She's done with Rocky, I don't get why she won't take me. Either way I'm going to have her. One way, or the other.

"T? Tyler? Why are you staring like that?" She asked

I quickly escaped my thought and put my focus on her.

"My bad, I was thinking about something."

She started doing tricks, or, at least she attempted.

"Ok I know you saw that kickflip!" She said looking at me

"Nah, I didn't."

"What?! Tyler-"

"I'm joking. I saw it, it was sick."

"I mean of course it wa-"

She looked over my shoulder and a guy walked in. It was two niggas from illegal civ.

"Oh my fucking gosh T. That's Nico and Roger from illegla civ."


"Walk with me so I don't go alone." She said

I sighed before saying ok. We walked up to them and their faces lit up.

"Hey." Clem smiled

"What's up what an honer bro."

"You're short films are amazing." Clem said

"Thank you." The boys said at the same

The white guy and Clem started making serious eyes contact. Basically fucking.

"You know, we're working on another film, and I have a role that I think you'd be perfect for."


"Yeah...gimmie a sec." He said pulling out his phone

He went to his contacts and handed her the phone.

"Just lemme get your info and we can talk more about it."

"Sick. I'm down." She said putting her number in

"Cool, I'll talk to you later. Y'all live in Cali right?"

"Yeah." We responded but I did a little more dryly

"Awesome, y'all to have a nice day, see you 'round."

"Bye Nico." She sung

He waved and both of them walked out of the shop. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"What's up with you?"

"You were acting weird with him."

"No I wasn't."

"Yes you were. You guys were having eye sex."

"Eye se- what?!"

"Yeah, don't think I didn't notice."

"T. You're tripping, let's just have fun ok. We're in NEW YORK for god's sake."

"Yeah, whatever."

She walked up tot he cashier and purchased the board and well as I did. We left the store and at this point it was time for us to go back to the RV. We walked in silence occasionally talking about the scenery and we arrived at the RV. It seemed like everyone was back.

"Damn, spending all that money Clem." Taco said

"Yeah, I was doing 'mad' shopping cause Tyler and them wouldn't help m get a pair of shoes, and some bitch got em before I could." She said eyeing me

"I said I'm sorry."

She walked into my room I guess to put her stuff away and I just chilled on the couch next to Jasper. 

"Where going again?" I asked

"Delaware." Lionel answered

I nodded and went on my phone. I tweeted some stuff and then I went to go check on Clem.

"You good?" I asked shutting the door

She was was in sweatpants and a plain white crop top and was on her phone.

"Yeah, what about you?"

"I'm fine." I said crawling in bed with her

She placed her head on my chest and I kissed her forehead.

"Love you." She said looking up at me

"Love you too."

She looked back at her phone and shortly fell asleep.

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