15- Number 1

440 17 11


"Hey babygirl!" Rocky said 

"Hi." I said kissing him 

"Y'all are fags. Anyways I'ma get that yellow kart right there and I'll see y'all at the finish line."

"Yo Clem I love you but, I'ma have to dust yo ass." Rocky said

"That's so cute, you actually think you're gonna win. Love you too so I'll buy you ice cream so you won't be too upset about losing to me."

"We'll see."

Rocky got in the blue one and I picked the green one. 


We all zoomed off and Rocky was in last place but me a Tyler were tying.

"Try to keep up dyke!" Tyler yelled

"Nigga, we're going at the same speed the fuck is you talking ab-"

Then Rocky passed up. I stepped on the pedel to try and keep up with him. Tyler now is was in last place.

"Sorry baby!" Rocky said 

Long story short Rocky one the first lap, I won the second one and the third one.

"Y'all two need to buy me pizza or some shit." Tyler said

We walked to an outlet, Melrose type place.

"Is someone upset?" I asked

"Shut the fuck up." He said standing infront of us

He was walking backwards so he could face us.

"Niggas mad ma, it's ok." Rocky said wrapping his arm around my shoulder

"I wish y'all would stop t-"

Then he bumped into some girl knocking her on the floor.

"Yo I'm am so sorry I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine, shit I was looking at my phone."

He helped her up and stared at her.

"I think he likes her." Rocky whispered in my ear


"We were gonna get some pizza if you should come with. On behalf of his apology." I said to her

"Oh, sure I'd love to."

Tyler and her walked in front of us talking about who knows what. We got pizza and everyone else sat down while I waiting in line to order.

"How may I help a beautiful lady out today?" The guy said

"Uh just two large half pepperoni half cheese pizza's please."

"Will you be dining in or out."


"Good so I can see your cute little face."

"Ok, you really shouldn't say shit like that."

"Why not, are you insecure, are you use to people not giving you love or somethin ma?"

"Alright, ROCKY!" I yelled looking back at him

He stood up and come over to me.

"Everything ok babygirl?"

"We were just having an issue that's all and I just felt better having you with me."

"Was he hitting on you?" He whispered


He took a deep breath in and exhaled smoothly.

"Alright you finna ring us up or nah?" Rocky asked

"That'll be 32.70."

Rocky handed him a 50 and the guy gave him his change.

"Your order will be ready in 15 minutes guys." He said walking away

"Yo was everything ok?" The girl asked

"Yeah that guy was just irritating me. By the way what's your name?"

"Gina." Tyler answered for her

"Oh sorry." 

"It's fine."

"So Gina, how old are you?" 


"Damn you young as fuck." Rocky said

Oh my goodness I still haven't told him my real age.

"Cool cool, you go to school?" 

"Yeah I wanna go to full sail U so."

"That's like a creative school, what're you going to major in?" Tyler asked

"Music actually."

"Oh really?" 


"You know we have an at home studio if you wanna come by." Tyler said

"We?" She asked

"Yeeeeeah we sorta live together." I said

"Oh like are y'all related?" She asked

"Do you think I'd look this cute if I was related to her?" Tyler asked

Then I picked up the knife jokingly.

"Don't play Ty! Cause I will cut you up in this damn restaurant in front of them and I won't hesitate."

"My bad, I was joking."

Rocky took the knife out of my hand.

"Well that's cool. I'm down but I can't today cause I got school tomorrow morning so."

"Oh well whenever you wanna come just call me."

"I will most defiantly." 

Then the pizza's came. It was the same guy who was hitting on me.

"Aye Ms!" Rocky yelled

The lady cleaning the table and looked our way. Rocky signaled her to come over which she did.

"I saw you working hard over there so I wanted to give you this."

He handed her a stack of hundreds.

"No way, are you serious?!" She smiled


"I can not thank you enough."

"Oh and here you go." Rocky said handing the guy like 3 dollars

He looked at the girls money and walked away.

"Nigga you best say thank you cause I'll take the shit back." 

"Thanks." He mummbled

"What was that all about?" Tyler asked

"That nigga was acting weird and so I decided to be petty a little."

I get a notification on my phone and it was from Rocky. But we're sitting right next to ea- nevermind he texted me asking if I wanted to go over to his place afterwards, and I said yeah ofc. We put our phones down and just talked and ate.

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