30- Back home

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We had gotten home about 2 weeks ago, and my sleep schedule is fucked up. But of course Tyler's isn't. He still wakes up at 7 every morning.  I had just woken up and it was about 3 in the morning and I parted from Tyler's grip. I was hungry so I decided to make french toast. I put in my airpods and started to cook. 

30 minutes later

I snickered as I watched a CoreyxKenshin video. I saw something move out of the corner of my eye and saw Tyler's tall self standing at the stairs.

"Come back to bed, this is the 5th time you've been up at 4 am."


"Please come back to bed."

"Alright. But, you want french toast?"

"N- only if you feed it to me."

"I swear being with you is like being in an MDLB relationship." I said carrying a piece of french toast on my fork over to him


He opened his mouth and I inserted the piece of french toast in his mouth.

"Mmm." He hummed

"Good right?"

"Yeah, now come back so you can cuddle me."

"Alright I'm coming."

I walked back over to the counter and threw my plate away and my fork in the sink. I walked upstairs and sat my phone on the night stand. I got in bed and Tyler place his head on my chest and I caressed his arm with my finger.


"I never had the courage to tell you I adore you

I did it in a song, I was too afraid to call you
I know, I know, I'm sorry, I know I'm annoyin
I just want your attention
Ever since I saw you, knew nothin was important
Your gravity is too strong and it's fuckin up my orbit
Contact avoided by the time I record this
I just want you to listen Every time I see you, yeah, you brighten up my day
You're the cashmere to my cotton and I wished you felt the same
More options in the alphabet, I know I'll be okay kay kay."

I looked downstairs and saw Tyler sitting on the couch at his computer with his music stuff setup. I tiredly get up and walk downstairs to him. He turned around like he was paroniond.

"Oh hey, uh-uh I thought you don't get up till like 3?" 

"Ion know I heard your song and I wanted to come hear more." 

"It's not finished."

"Ok well I want to hear more, I literally saw you pause it. So there's more."


I looked at his computer and saw there was like another minute left.

"Yo there's more on there. Why don't you want me to hear it?"

"Cause...I just don't."

"Why not, it sounded good."

He stayed silent.

"I'm going to hear it either so I don't know why you're trying to hide it." I said messing with my nails

He sighed before finally playing the song. I'm almost 1000% sure that was about me.

"Was it about me Ty?" I asked softly 

He nodded while looking down. I spontaneously made a move and kissed him. He kissed me back and pulled me onto his lap. His hands wrapped both of my thighs and he picked me up. He broke the kiss as he walked us upstairs. He slammed me down on the bed and kissed my neck.

I don't wanna write smut

I looked at Tyler as I breathed heavily.

"That was nothing like our first time." I said

"I know."

"So like, are we a thing?" He asked

"Do you wanna be?"

"Yes." He answered quickly

He grabbed my face and kissed me. We smiled at each other and then he got up to get dressed. I however went back to sleep. I was about to close my eyes but when my phone rang. I sighed putting on a T-shirt of Tyler's that was near me before answering.

C: Hello

UNKN: It's Dave from UPS

C: You have my money

D: Yes actually-

C: 60 grand right

D: Yes

C: Good, is this finna be cash debit what

D: Debit

C: I'll give you the numbers

I read him the numbers and he said it'd be fully transferred by 9. I said bye and I sat up think about how I need to get these clothes out to people who didn't get theirs. The UPS sent me a list of names, piece of clothing, and addresses of who's clothes were ruined.

"Clem I have a meeting with Clancy today I'll be back around 10 or so." Tyler said walking out the bathroom


He walked over to me and pecked my lips. He said fresh breath

"Love you!" He yelled from downstairs

"Love you too!"

He left and I decided to get to work on my clothes. I need a bigger place to work, cause this bedroom is not made for this.


"I know this one guy who's moving out of this store on fairfax. And he thinks it'll be perfect for you."

"Cool, now, have we found a vendor to make the clothes and stuff?"

"Yeah, her names Cindy, and she if you have a design just send it to her and she can handle the rest."

That name haunted me. I know for a damn fact it's not her.

"Cool, you got her number or something?"

He got out a notepad and wrote down a number and handed it to me. I put it in my pocket.

"That's really it. I can take care of the boring shit we all know you're not going to."

"You know me so well."

"Catch you later T."

"Bye Clancy." I said leaving his place

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