69-Almost there

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"No! They were supposed to be steel gray, not regular gray!" Tyler yelled

"Oh my goodness, chill out T."

"Nah, I paid good money to set up everything CORRECTLY and they didn't."

"It'll be ok-"

"No it won't, our party's finna look bad, because of these dumbass niggas who can't read."

"Stop! Just stop Tyler, it  doesn't matter if a color is one shade off, the only thing that matters is you and me. I don't care about the colors, I just care about spending my life together with you OK?"

He nodded his head.

"I'm sorry." He said leaning his forehead against mine

"It's ok." I said kissing him

Then out of now where "Bless you with my love" came on and we both smiled to each other.

"This is my shit!" I said 

"Nigga don't act as if I didn't put you on."

"Shush and dance with me."

We danced around until the song ended. 

"I'm pretty hungry." I said

"Good thing it's cake testing time."

I didn't wanna seem like a fatass but I literally have been waiting for this day for weeks. 


We went over to the dining area and I was stunned at all the different cake options. We sat and ate the first cake.

"Trash." I said

"For real." Tyler agreed moving onto the next one with me

We ate the next one and we didn't like it. About 3 cakes later we were so frustrated, cause we just kept eating bad cake, and it was so gross. 

"Alright this one is red velvet." The lady said

We took a bite and we actually liked it. I mean we both like red velvet but it was nice to actually eat something good.

"Let's just go with this one." Tyler said

"Yeah." I agreed

"But you do know there's about 5 more to be tried?"

"Yeah but we don't want to." Tyler said

We finished that and headed home. 

"Ugh, was it just me or were those cakes nasty as fuck." Tyler said

"I know, what even were those."

"I don't know but it tasted like pig farts."

"On god." I laughed

"Let's play mario kart."


We played mario kart for a few hours then I took a nap. 

The next day

"Dude can I look now?"

"No! It's not in the bag yet."

"Who cares if I see it, it's not like you're wearing the dress."

"But you shouldn't see it period. Ok now you can look."


"It's been 30 seconds."

"Whatever." He said continuing to pack

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