17-Tyler's first show

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"We're gonna get kicked out Tyler stop!" I yelled

He was dumping water from the hotel balcony onto people.


"You're wild for that." Earl said not looking up from his phone 

Tyler just laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Why you so uptight today Clem? Is it that ti-" Hodgy started

"Nigga I swear if you finish that sentence I'm going to rip your face off. Deadass." I said making everyone laugh

He shut up and put his hands up. I layed on the bed and put in my headphones in listening the cafe union album. I had bad bad cramps so I just tried to sleep them off. There was a knock at the door but I didn't bother to look. 

"What's up guys." Rocky said

I immediately turned around and made grabby hands to him. 

"Hey Clem."

"Hey Rock." I said weakly

"What's up? You ok?"

"Yeah my stomach just hurts."

"It's ok babygirl." He said soothingly

"I got some ibuprofen?" He said


He pulled the bottle out of his jacket.

"So you just walk around with ibuprofen?"


He opened it for me, got a pill, and handed me a bottle of water from the night stand. I took the pill and flushed it down with the water.

"Thank you."

"No problem Clem."

He kissed my forehead and went to go sit with the guys. I went back to sleep hoping the pills would kick in soon. 

A few hours later






"What?!" I said annoyed

I opened my eyes and saw Tyler standing over me.

"We about to go set up."

"Oh alright."

I got up and stretched. I grabbed my phone and followed everyone to the elevator. I stood in the corner with my head leaned on the wall with my eyes closed cause I was still tired.

"You good Clem?" Rocky asked

"Yeah, I'm just tired."

Eventually the doors opened and there was a van waiting for us in front of the hotel. There were three rows of three seaters. Tyler, Jasper and Earl sat in the first three, me rocky and Hodgy sat in the second three, and Taco syd, and Casey sat in the last three. Then out of nowhere odd toddlers started playing. Everyone started getting hype and start screaming.

"Hello the hype is so mellow bitch I'm dope and my pipe is so yellow, the blue polka dot pink stripes and it's pink on the title nigga fuck you role model bitch I'm my own idol and if you can't face it my nigga you can ass sit my accessories bring out my assess nigga this don't don't acid tablets, stussy G-shock with my custom pair of 3d glasses I suffer from HD I should win a fucking award for being me..."

He kept rapping and then it turned to Casey's part.

"And they see me they play pictionary, I got a goo way with words like a a dictionary and in that dictionary my name is by fresh they at the same spot making no progress, Becoming a good rapper aint that easy of a process, eargasams they have them, the hotel we stayin in 12 star Tyler said you casey just write a 12 bar if I'm with 12 people I'm with 12 stars you're hater puttin up your guard they against us oh no, red and white diamonds supreme box logos." Casey rapped

We arrived at the place and there we so many kids and adults outside.

"Oh shit." Tyler said looking out the window

"Damn." Taco said

Security guards walked up towards the van and that we all have to get out one at a time. Firs they escorted Jasper which made the crowed go fucking nuts, the same for Tyler and Earl. Hodgy went Rocky went and then I went. When we walked inside they showed us back stage.

"Tyler, you gotta do a mic check." A lady said

There was a couch so I just sat down. He went onto the stage and the people gave him an ear piece.

"Buttfuck...123, checking, faggots here and there, 321. Blah blah blah; we good!" Tyler said with the mic in his hand

"Tell me if you can here this?" The lady said 

She pressed a button and obviously something was playing cause Tyler started dancing around.

"Yeah." He said

They made Earl and Casey do the same since they'd be the main ones preforming we were there to hype them up. A guy handed Casey a water and he was struggling to open it. He gave it to Tyler and he couldn't open it either.

"Y'all are weak ass bitches!" Jasper said

"You wanna see weak?" Tyler said chasing him

He ended up catching Jasper and he pushed him on the floor.

"You're fucking gay get off of me!" 

They we heard screaming from afar. Then fans rushed in with their phone lights on. Tyler talked for a little bit then they proceeded to preform, we got there at like 8 and we left at 12. It was a really good performance Tyler really was meant for this rapping shit. The whole ride back was silent because everyone was tired. We got back to the hotel and immediately fell asleep.

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