11- She a thousandaire

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"Are you sure you want to quit I mean-" Ms.T started

"I'm positive."

I walked out and home. I tried to call Tyler but he's been dodging my calls and leaving me on read when I'd text him. So then I called Rocky.

R: Hey baby

C: Hi Rocky. Guess what?

R: What

C: Guess!

R: Umm, you got some shoes

C: NOPE! Cara Delevingne said that she loved the dress I made and she wants me to work for her and she wants me to make her outfits for a fashion show. AND she gave 60 thousand dollars

R: Fuck that's amazing I'm so happy for you! We should celebrate

C: Babe I wish I could but I have to meet with her tomorrow and I still have supplies to buy now that I have money

R: Ok well then let me come with you shopping. I'll drive you

C: Alright then

R: I'm on my way right now

C: Cool

R: See you soon

C: Bye

He hung up and I laid in bed think about how crazy this was

1 hour later

Me and Rocky were currently in Joann's fabric store.

"I don't know which one to get?" I said looking at the sewing machines

"What about that one it has more squiggly lines on it?"

"You mean stitch patterns?"

"Yeah that."

"But it's damn near 250 dollars."

"Your like a thousandaire now. It's ok."

I laughed at his made up word and got the sewing machine. We walked to the fabric isle and I was bending down to get a fabric I really liked. Then I felt a huge slap on my ass.

"Owwww Rocky." I looked to see him recording me and I rolled my eyes

"I couldn't help myself?" He shrugged

I sighed and got the fabrics I wanted. 

"After you done with her stuff can you make me something?" He asked

"Yeah; like what though?"

"A suit."


"How's Tyler?" He asked

"I wouldn't know cause he keeps ignoring me?" 

"Like how?"

"Like he keeps declining my calls and he leaves me on read."

"Oh shit, maybe he busy."

"No he not. This nigga calls me at his job just to say hi. I know for a fact he's not busy."

"You got a point."

"Also I listened to your songs last night and my favorite one was kids turned out fine. Ugh the vibes and your voice and the beat it was all so pleasing. You have a real gift."

"Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"I didn't EnJoY it I LOVED it. There's a difference."

"Well I'm glad you loved it."

"The pleasure is all mine if we're being honest."

"Speaking of pleasure do you think you can spend the night?" He smirked  

"Yeah. Can you just drop me off somewhere tomorrow?"

"Of course."

We finished and and drove me home.

"I'll be quick." I said

"Take your time if you need to."

"Aww a man who don't rush you. You just keep getting better and better."

He laughed and I closed the door. I carry the bags up to our apartment and set the bags on the counter. Of course Tyler's not here. I sigh and pack an overnight bag. Once I was done with all that I walk back to the car. He didn't say anything and he pulled off. I texted tyler where I was going to be like he cared or something. We pulled up to this fine ass house.

"You got a really nice house." 


We both got out the car and walked in the house. I looked around and examined all the cool things about his house. Then a black lab ran up to me.

"Aww hi cutie pie." I coo'd

"His name is Acid."

"Are you serious?" I asked


"Hi Acid."

He jumped around licked my face a little. 

"Come on let's go to my room." Rocky said placing his hand on my lower back guiding me to his room

His room was dark. And very black.

"Who are you; fucking batman?"

"Nah. He wanna be me."

I smiled and took my shoes off before walking in.

"It's fine you ain't gotta do all that."

"It's a moral thing." I said

I sat on his bed which smell like him which I loved. He did something on his phone and then all of a sudden Kids turned out fine played throughout the whole room.

"Ugh this puts me in a m-"

"A sexy mood?" He smirked


He set his phone down and immediately sat down to kiss me. He gripped my thighs and pulled me ontop of him making me straddle him. I boldly took my shirt of and pushed him down kissing along him jawline. Then in one swift motion we switched positions.

"You really thought you ran shit huh?" He asked

"Only for a little bit." I said cheekily

He attacked my neck and sucked my sweet spot. I moaned a little and he made his way down further and further. He unclipped my bra and sucked on my nipple. I moaned louder by the second. He pulled down my pants and rubbed me through my panties. Then he stopped making me look at him frustrated.

 He took his pants and underwear off. revealing his big member then he pulled his shirt from over his head. I grew nervous as he put on a condom. He slithered in between my leg and place himself at my entrance. He slowly pushed into me making me scream. He did slow strokes which hurt so bad. But a little while later it felt amazing.

 I rolled him over and begin to ride him. Then I started bouncing on the dic- nvm. He pushed me onto my back and turned me around. I arched my back as he pounded in and out of me. 

I moaned/breathed heavily. I gripped the sheets from the amount of pleasure I was receiving. He grunted and hit harder with every stroke. 

"I'm gonna cum." I moaned

"Me too babygirl."

We both came and I fell flat on the bed breathing heavy. 

"That was so good." I laughed 

"For real, you did good."

I saw his shirt and put it on. I looked at rocky and he had a water bottle in his hand. I smiled and took it. He put on some boxers and turned on his TV. We cuddled as we watched Rick and Morty. Somewhere during the show I fell asleep into his chest.

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