48- Not special

342 11 9

Clementine| A few weeks later

"Come on we're going to lunch." Tyler said looking at his phone

"Where?" I asked

"Some diner in fair fax."


Time Skip

"What's good my nigga!" Tyler smiled looking at Taco

"What's up haven't seen y'all in a minute." He said looking at us

"Hey Trav."

"Hi Clemmy. Come on I already got us a booth."

We followed him over to a booth seat and saw Nakel, Earl, Aramis, and Tyshawn.

"Hey guys." Tyler said

"What's good." Nakel said

We took a seat and I started looking at the menu.

"You see anything good?" Tyler asked

"They got chicken and waffles?"

"Ou I want that."

I nodded my head scanning the rest of the options.

"Yo where's K, she was supposed to be here like 10 minutes ago." Travis said

"Speak of the devil." Tyshawn said 

In walks Kendall Jenner.

I sighed lightly and didn't pay any mind to it.

"Hey guys." She said taking her sunglasses off

She said next to travis and started talking to them.

"Hi Welcome to TJ'S, I can start y'all with some drinks." She smiled

" I wan the Lemonade." Tyler said 

The everyone told her what they wanted.

"Aaand for your meal?" 

"2 chicken and waffles." I said 

"Ou that sounds good let me get that too." Kendall said 

I subconsciously roll my eyes. Once everyone told her what they wanted, she left and we continued to talk. 

"Oh my gosh speaking of sharing; that one episode where kylie didn't let me borrow her dress when she left I just ripped that shit up." Kendall explained

"What'd Kylie say?" Tyler asked very intrigued 

"She yelled at me for about 30 minutes and then we started fighting. Oh- she had acrylics that day so she scratched me and I still have the scar."

"Let's see it!" Tyshawn said

She stood up and pulled up her shirt (not all the way) and twisted to show where the scar was. 

"Look." She giggled

"It's highkey tight." Tyler said

"I know right. From my angle he looks like a dinosaur so I called him Pookie."

"I'm just tryna figure out why your belly button looks like that." Earl said

"It doesn't look like anything." She shot back

"It's kinda like an inny, an outie, an uppy, and a downy." He said making us laugh

"Shut up big lipped bitch."

Tyler seemed to find that hilarious.

"I gotta scar too." I said

"From what? Oh is it from that one time in 9th grade where you fell in the caf-" Tyler started

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