28- New York New York

375 17 4


We were all in time square and the group was sorta split up. I was with Lionel Tyler Taco and Syd, Jasper was with Rocky Earl and Hodgy, and Steve and Frank were together.

"Look at these." I said putting on some sunglasses

"Those are ugly." Taco said

"Nigga you're ugly; I'm sorry."

"Whatever you hurt my feelings." He faked cried

"You'll live."

I walked over to the shoe portion of the store. I looked at the shelves and at the very top were a of black platforms.

"They're so beautiful." I said to myself

"I know and they're in my size." A girl next to me said

"Sorry but I'm getting them."

"Nah, I think I am."

We were the same height and we both couldn't reach the shoes. We both started jumping trying to get them.

"Tyler!" I yelled

I figured since he was tall he'd be able to get them.


He still didn't hear me.

"Lional! Taco! Somebody!"

They were all so busy talking. A boy walked next to the other girl.

"Sir can you grab those for me?" She asked


He reached up and grabbed them.

"Sorry hun." She said walking away

"What the f-"

I looked at everybody else. I was so mad. Those shoes were beautiful and NO ONE helped med  me.

"The AUDACITY" I said walking up to them

"What're you talking about." Tyler asked with a smile plastered on his face

"I saw a gorgeous pair of platforms on the shelf and I couldn't reach it. And THEN a girl wanted them too and asked a guy to get them for her. I was callin y'all." I said shoving him


"Fake." I said shaking my head

"Jasper told  this really funny j-"

"I don't care if jasper turned into an alien. Y'all abandoned me. And now I'll never be the same" I said crossing my arms and looking down

"Awww you're so dramatic." Lionel said ruffling up my hair

"Shut up!"

He quickly pulled his hand away in fear.

"You turn into a toddler when you're mad I swear." Tyler said making everybody 

"Y'all are mean. Don't ask me for shit." I said walking away

I left the store and started walking around Time square. I saw a Micheal Kors and walked in. There were a lot of people there. I looked at a baby blue blue handbag which I loved. I looked at the price, 378$.

"You finding everything ok?" A sales woman asked


"Well if you're looking to purchase our 2020 blue collection, there's this AMAZING trench coat that's 30%  off that would look great on you and with that bag."

"Lemme see."

"Ok just follow me."

I followed her deeper into the store and she picked out this beautiful trench coat.

"It's amazing." I said

"I told you. Why don't you try it on?"

I handed her the bag and I put it on.

"I'm going to get this. It's adorable."

"I figured you would. I can ring you up right over there."


I took it off and followed her to the counter. She scanned the two and now that I think about it, I don't know the price of the trench coat but it was so good I didn't care.

"You're total is 642.25$"

I swiped my card and she put everything in a bag.

"Thanks for shopping come back soon."

"I will. Bye."

I walked out of the store and went to go figure out where I wanted to go next. The M&M store. Before I walked in someone said


What does she mean Asap rocky? I look around and saw him about to head into the store too. She was with who I was amusing was her mom.

"Can I get a picture please?"

I looked at Rocky before looking at her again.

"I buy all your clothes I swear. Look." 

She unzipped her coat and she was wearing a shirt I made.

"And I cop all your music, I swear."

"Sure." I smiled

Her mom took the picture and she smiled once more before saying thank you.

"No problem." He said

She left and since Rocky was going to the M&M store, I turned away.

"Clementine wait."


"I'm sorry."

"I forgive you." I said walking away

"So that's it."

"What else to you want me to say Rocky."

"I don't know. Something else, I want to make this work with you."

"Rakim, I'd feel so stupid if I got back together with someone who cheated and then was getting mad at ME for it. We can be cool or whatever but I'm not going back."

"Please Clem I love you."

"I mess with you too. But I just can't."

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