44- Show time

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I exhaled and started coughing. 

"Baby you ok?" Tyler asked

"Nah I'm fine." I said trying to catch my breath

Tyler patted my back and stuck his inhaler in my mouth. He pressed down and my body felt normal again.

"Thank you T."

"Of course, look I'm going to go sit in the crown aight, I'll be in the front row."


He gave me a kiss and left.

"Alright is everybody good to go? Everything fit ok?" I asked walking around looking at everybody

"Yeah." They responded 

People were getting their hair done, makeup done, everything was happening so fast. 

"Clem your on." Maggi said


I took a breath before walking out. I smiled once I saw all the people in the crowd. I took the microphone and thought of some things to say.

"I didn't really prepare a speech so uhh, yeah. Well first I'd like to say thank you to my amazingly supporting, annoying, stupid, weird ass boyfriend Tyler Okonma. He's been with me since the beginning and I know he'll be with me through the end. I'd like to thank my whole crew especially Calvin, he helped make all this stuff possible and he helped me make my literal dreams come true. With this line I wanted to make something that I would see if my thoughts were clothes you know. I have a lot of ideas and this is the way I let them out, so ladies and gentlemen I present: Brain extract."

(Ik that name is weak I ain't kno what to put)

They all clapped and I went back stage.

"Chloe Max, you're on in 3...2..."

I watched on the TV and saw them walk out. I searched for the expression on people's face and saw that loved it.

After the fashion show

I smiled to myself as they all finished up on stage. I didn't feel like giving an after speech so I just walked out to the crowd. Plus there's an after party. 

"I am so proud of you Clementine!" Tyler said hugging me 

"Thank you Tyler."

"Fuck all your clothes were so sick, like seeing it all together it was amazing."

"I wouldn't be able to do it without your support."

He gave me a warm smile and hugged me.

"I love you Clementine."

"I love you too Tyler."

The a waiter holding champagne on a platter walked past and I took one off only for it to be snatch out of my hand.

"Come on! I'm celebrating!" I whined 


"But Tyl-"


I gave him puppy dog eyes and in return he gave me a stone cold stare.



"I'll do anything."


I tried reaching for the glass and he jerked away.

"No means no Clementine."

I pouted while I crossed my arms.

"This is my event." I mumbled

"Well you're my girlfriend and I take care of you." 

"Whatever mane."

He set the glass on a nearby table and he led me to the dance floor. We danced to a couple of bad songs and had a few laughs. Then I get a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to be faced with a scared Calvin.

"The guy who wants to buy your clothes is waiting."

"Ok? Come on Tyler." I said grabbing his hand

"No. He said he wants to meet you. Alone."


"He didn't give me a reason. And he doesn't seem like the type of person be kept waiting."

"Uhh ok? I'll be back T."

"Nah fuck that I'm coming."

He wasn't going to back down so I didn't argue. Calvin led to me to the back of the venue. There was an ally and I looked to my right and saw a guy with a bunch of duffel bags.

"I thought I told you to have her come alone?" He said looking at Calvin

"It's not his fault." Tyler spoke up

"I'm assuming you're the boyfriend."

He came into the light and he was tall but not taller than Tyler. He was white with black glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose. Sorta kinda balding. All in all, he looked scary.

"Yeah nigga why you want her here alone?"

"Cause this is business between us."

"It's ok T. It'll be quick." I said

"I don't trust it."

"Do you promise you not finna murder me?" I asked the guy

"Of course not, how am I gonna get my dresses?"

"I- see Tyler, not a murderer. It'll be ok. I'll scream really loud if there's a problem alright."

He gave the guy a stingy look and look down to me.

"Aight, but I'm staying close." 


He gave me a kiss and walked back inside with Calvin.

"Alright let's get down to business huh?"

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