24-Her addiction

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I didn't wanna deal with the anger and sadness I was in so I decided to take two pills. But I thought about it first. If one pill makes me trip then another one would double it making me trip harder. Quick maths. I took the pills and sat there impatiently waiting for them to kick in.


"Yeah this old nigga was talking mad shit to her." Rocky explained

"What the fuck." 

I stood up ready to go into her room.

"Nah bro I think she needs some time alone." Jasper said

"Nigga fuck that. That's my best friend."

I walked to her room

"Yo Clem- what the fuck."

She was pretending to swim on the bed. I started laughing and recording. After I did that I shoved her shoulder ready to be serious again.

"Clementine what're you doing?"

She just looked straight ahead not noticing me at all. Then she rolled on her back and started looking at her hands.

"Woah." She said

"You good?"

She ignored me it was like she was tuning me out, or like I wasn't even there.

"What's wrong with you? Clementine! Can you hear me?" I yelled

Then she rolled back onto her stomach. She looked me up and down and backed up to the headboard like she was scared.


There was a guy standing in front of me and 'it' was tall and black like pure blackness no clothes just a black silhouette. I backed up in fear and he came closer. 'It' was coming closer to me holding out 'it's' hand. I didn't take it of course, 'it' was blocking the exit so I just sat there and cried.


"What the fuck is wrong with you Clem?"

I touched her shoulder and she jumped. She totally freaked out and quickly ran past me.


'It' fucking touched my shoulder so I decided to leave the room at any costs. I continued to walk down the hallway which was very distorted but it still looked like the bus nothing really changed. I used the sides to guide me until I see something. Then sitting there were like 6 more talk black figures. I start hyperventilating and look behind me to see the other guy coming towards me. I headed for the door until one of them pulled me back. I started screaming.


She headed for the door until Taco pulled her back. She bugged out and started screaming.

"What the fuck is wrong with her?" Rocky asked

"I don't know?" I said

"Aye set her on the couch." Syd said

Hodgy and Jasper got off the couch and Taco laid her down on it. She tired to get up but Rocky held her shoulders down. She started breathing heavily and crying.

"Did she take something?" Syd asked

"I don't know."

"Well look in her room then." Jasper said

I jogged back to her room and look around and on the nightstand was a little baggie of pills. I went back to the others and held it up. Then rocky snatched it out of my hand.

"It's promethazine. It makes you trip mad hard."

Hodgy threw water on her face and her eyes widen. She looked at all of us.

"Clementine? Did you take those?" I asked softly

She just looked at the pills and sighed

"Flush em." I told rocky

"No don't you dare!" She yelled

She tried to run after him but I grabbed her arm and she tried to get out of my grip.

"ROCKY DON'T DO IT!" She yelled

He looked at her before going in the bathroom.

"I swear to god Rakim."

Then we heard the toilet flush. So I let go of her

"Why would you do that?!" She yelled going towards him

"It's for your own good Clem-"

"No do you know what the fuck you just did?!" She yelled pushing him

"I saved your life."

"You did the complete opposite. Those pills did more than what ANY of you guys could do." She said looking at all of us


I walked into the room and hid under the covers cause that's the only place I felt safe at the moment.

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