32- Come with me

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"T." I said walking into our new room

"What's up Clem?"

"Look I'm going to New York-"


"Yes, it's for my fashion show and I want you to come with me."

"For real, like you're own fashion show." He asked


"The first week of August; next month in New York-."

"OH! There's this girl her names Crystal and I think you would like- why are you looking at me like that."

"How'd you meet her?" I asked tilting my head

"What- naaaah it's not like that, I just saw a pic of her on instagram and saw that her style was fir- STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT."

"Nah, continue looking at her pictures T, since they interest you so much." I said turning on my stomach to look at my phone

"Are you serious?"

"Ask Crystal."

"You know I only love you."

I didn't answer to him.








He kept nudging me but I didn't acknowledge him. He kissed my cheek a couple times. I looked at him with my eyes only and he smiled. Soon making me smile too. He kissed my lips and shifted on top of me. He started slowly grinding in between my legs. He started kissing on my neck leaving love marks. He pulled my pants down along with my underwear. He pulled his pants down too and reconnected the kiss. I felt his member graze my heat and he finally placed himself inside me. I tried to say something but nothing came out. He thrusted in and out of me making me moan crazy. I came two times and after awhile I pushed him down and made my way down his body. I stopped at his member and I took it into my hand pumping him a few times. I finally placed it in my mouth and ingested the whole thing making him groaned. I bobbed my head up and down and looked at Tyler only to him rolling his eyes in the back of his head. He came in my mouth.

"You're head game is so strong." He said pulling up his pants and shortly I did the same

"Of course it is, cause I'm- me."

"Shut up."

"I'm hungry." I said placing my head on his chest 

"What do you want?"

"Chick fil a." 

"Me too. I'll go get and you can stay here if you want."


He kissed my cheek again and we said I love you before he left. I played some Mac Demarco as I drew more outfits for the fashion show I want to have. A few songs go by and I heard the doorbell ring. I get up and go downstairs. They kept ringing the doorbell.

"SHUT UP! I'M COMING. Fucking retard." I said before opening the door

It was Jasper, Errol, Earl, Taco and Hodgy.

"Hey guys. Tyler's not here right now."

"Whatever, we came to check out the new crib and hang." 

"Alright come in."

"This place is fucking tight." Taco said

"For real." Hodgy agreed

"Come on you guys can come upstairs." I said head to the staircase

They followed me upstairs and we turned into the bedroom. I guess Jasper was the first to spot the playstation so he said

"I call first play."

He sat in front of the 60 inch TV and turned it on. I sat back down on the mattress handling some business stuff. Not too soon I heard the door close. I went downstairs and saw him holding two bags and a drink holder. I took the drinks out of his hands to help him a little. 

"I love you." I said

"Love you too."

We went upstairs and I guess Tyler was surprised they were here because he made a confused face.

"How'd y'all get here?"

"You us your address remember?" Jasper said with his eyes glued to the TV 

"I guess; whatever." We sat on the mattress making jokes with everybody here and there

I was getting a call and it was from Cal. 

"I'll be right back." I said getting up

I stepped into the hallway and answered it.

Clem: Hey C-

Cal: NO TIME TO TALK! Look there's a really big store opening in Paris, the one you gave 30% of your new collection to, and they want YOU to cut the rope

Clem: Ok? Just tell me when I need to be up there


Clem: Cal why would you tell me last minute

Cal: They called me 5 minutes ago, do you think you can make it

Clem: I don't know Cal, that is an 11 hour plane ride, I'd have to leave either right now or tonight

Cal: They are giving you 40% of the earnings and the publicity would be great exposure COME ON

Clem: Ok well can I bring a friend

Cal: Yeah sure whatever

Clem: Alright I'll buy tickets

Cal: Good I'll meet you at LAX

Clem: Alright bye

Cal: Bye

I sighed and right when I was about to go back into the room I get a text from Destiny, she produces all of my designs and helps me organize everything.

Destiny: Where are the designs you wanted you were supposed to sketch them out and text them to me

Clem: I'm sorry I JUST moved

Destiny: its ok its jus if you want these fabrics and shit you need to get them to me ASAP

Clem: ik and I will

Destiny: Ok then 

"FUCK!" I said aloud

I walked back into the room. 

"Who wants to go to Paris?"

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