12 The fight

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"Yo Clem. You're phone going off." Rocky's raspy voice said

I open my eyes and there he is with my phone in his hand. I eagerly take it hoping it was Tyler with an explanation, but it wasn't. It was Cara, she told me where to meet her and when. It was 12, and I had to be there at 5.

"Can I use your shower please?" I asked

"Of course baby."

He gave me a cheek kiss and I took my bag into the bathroom. I washed up but some lotion on, and put on my clothes. I walked out and Rocky wasn't in the room anymore. I grabbed my bag, my phone, and put on my shoes. I walked downstairs and he was looking out the window.

"You good?" He asked

"Nah this bitch ass paparazzi here." He said angrily

He took off his hoodie and handed hit to me.

"Put this on and uh...I'ma go find some glasses."


Then he went into another room. I put on the hoodie and put the hood on. 

"Here." He said handing me some sunglasses

I put them on and I was kinda weirded out and offended. Like was he embarrassed of me or something? Was he gonna leave me and he didn't want people to get attached to the idea of me and him together.

"Alright let's go. Keep ya head low aight?"

I nodded my head and we went outside. All I heard was the clicking of the cameras as I looked at my feet. We reached the car and I took my hood off since his car had tinted windows. He sighed and pulled out of the driveway.

"Why were you so pressed about me not being seen by the paparazzi? Were you embarassed-"

"NEVER that. Nah I just don't want them all up in my girl face. I should be able to invite my girlfriend over my house it's just the two of us, not us and 20 other niggas who's waiting to get their check. It's a privacy thing."


"I really like you Clem alright. And I just wanted to protect you."

"You're so sweet. And I really like you too."

We listened to music and talked a little bit and then we were there.

"Thanks for the ride." I smiled

"No problem. I'll talk to you later."


We gave each other a kiss and I left. I get to our apartment and there were instruments everywhere keyboards, drums, guitars, ect. And a fucking MAC book on the counter. I looked around and there Tyler was on the keyboard with some girl, I think it was Emilia.

"Nigga where the fuck have you BEEN?!" I yelled

"Chill I was at the record store-"

"Don't tell me to chill! You were not at no damn record store for one and a half days. And why weren't you answering you phone? I texted you and called you."

"Look I'm sorry, I was busy."

"Where you even here last night?"

"No I spent the night at Em's." He said looking at her

"I needed to talk to you yesterday T. And you weren't there!"

"Everything good? I'm here now; what did you want to tell me?" He asked

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