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It took three days of discussions. Three long days of arguments and near physical violence. We quickly learned that Aelin had little to no patience for meetings of any sort, and having a newborn did not help her already tense disposition.

I had to put out more fires than I'd care to admit.

But finally...we all came to an agreement.

The High Lords meeting would take place the following morning, at the palace in the Summer Court. They all had questions regarding this new threat and exactly who our new guests were. Tamlin, being the pig-headed bastard he was, had already spread rumors about Aelin and her "murderous" tendencies.

I'd been nervous to mention those particular notes, but she'd merely snorted, almost as if she were offended and called them unoriginal. Lysandra had even cracked a smile at it. But it didn't stop either one from planning a brutal murder, of which we finally got them to agree was a terrible idea. Maybe.

We would find out in the morning.

"By the Cauldron, Aelin," Mor exclaimed. "How the hell can you eat so much?"

She was currently on overflowing plate number two and it was nearly clean. Cassias was trying to keep up, but he'd slowed significantly.

"It's just good genes, red bat," she smirked gleefully.

The general narrowed his eyes at her, slightly offended at the nickname. "You should be thankful you just had a child or else I'd put you on your back in the ring."

"Oh, not to worry, General, you can put me on my back anytime," she purred, wiggling her eyebrows.

Mother help us all.

I think I can agree on this one. Poor Cassian, but really, he walked himself into that one, Rhys answered with a chuckle.

"Do you really want him dead, Aelin?" Lysandra asked with a shake of her head.

"Luckily for him and all involved, they are trapped in our world."

Everyone sat up straighter at that remark. That sounded at least mildly threatening.

"I'd be careful of your phrasing, Aelin," Amren warned. "These kids get upset over the slightest inconvenience."

Since when did Amren and Aelin become buddies?

We finished breakfast quietly, the only questions asked were for more information about their world, of which both were quite silent about. What were they afraid of? We meant no harm to their world unless they posed a threat to us first. Which, I suppose, they sort of did, but that was beside the point.

Aelin's eyes were wide as she took in the splendor of Adriata. My reaction had been similar, if a bit more animated. Lysandra filled her in on what she knew and of her experience in this Court.

Thankfully, Aelin had chosen to come in her human skin, so her fire would remain a secret to everyone, except for Kallias and Vivianne, who had stayed quiet about what had happened. Even without it, her anger at Tarquin's behavior was terrifying. And she did threaten to burn the city to the ground.

What would the meeting be like if she was already pissed?

I would assume entertaining, Rhys smirked. And perhaps much shorter than usual, something we could all use.

I glared at him, Prick.

"Would you two stop that lovey-dovey shit for more than two seconds?" Aelin groaned. "It's annoying."

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