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Feyre had been ignoring him since dinner five hours ago. Her shields were up, so he couldn't check on her. He even tried his famous notes, but even that remained silent.

He shouldn't be worried about her. He understood that she needed space to sort through everything they'd been hiding from her, but this new evil that lurked in the shadows made him nervous. And the death of their daughter still stung. It was that thought that had kept him from telling her anything.

He should have known better. He'd promised he would never be like Tamlin and here he was acting just like him.

"Don't worry about her, Rhys," Amren spoke, jarring him from his thoughts. "You know she can't stay away from you for long."

"I know," he murmured. "I suppose I feel a bit like Tamlin at the moment, keeping her out of the loop."

"Sometimes, Rhys," she continued, looking over the rim of her wine glass. "Sometimes people keep quiet because they're also protecting themselves. Feyre knows that."

"I forgive you, Rhys."

He started, turning towards the door to see his mate casually leaning against the doorframe. He looked back to Amren who smirked and took a gulp of wine.

"I hate you."

She clicked her tongue, chuckling as she left the room.

He stuck his hands in his pockets, keeping his distance, his head bowed. "I am really sorry, Feyre. I made you a promise, and I broke it."

She made her way over to him, picking up his chin until he looked her in the eye. "I know. You were trying to protect me. But no more. This is my world, too. Let me be the judge of what I can and cannot handle. Alright?"

"I promise," he vowed, taking her hand in his. "Always."

She leaned in and kissed him softly. He didn't take things any further. He wanted her to know he was serious. 

He broke off the kiss, but kept his forehead against hers. "We'll discuss matters in the morning, but for now, it's time for bed."

She smiled and pulled away with another kiss. He would join her later. He needed a moment to gather his jumbled thoughts.

They had just finished a war. Rebuilding was straining them all. They did not need another to follow, but it seemed like there would be no stopping this darkness. Answers were few and far between. Really it was more questions than actual answers, which was infuriating to no end.

Amren had not said much about it, which was not surprising, but it worried him. She told them earlier that it was something her magic even recoiled from. She wasn't afraid of much, if anything, so for this to scare her, meant a hell of a lot of trouble for them.

He decided he wouldn't be sleeping for a while, so he grabbed a bottle of wine Amren had left on the table, likely on purpose, and gulped down a few swallows. He winced at how strong it was and debated whether to continue it. He hated to drink like this, but he was tired of thinking of everything that could go wrong. They had been through enough already. 

Maybe this would help him forget. Just for tonight.

Because Cauldron damn them all. Would they never get a break?

He jerked awake at the feel of someone's hands on his shoulders, relaxing when he saw it was only Feyre.

"Long night?" she inquired smartly as she glanced at the empty bottle of wine against his side.

He shifted to a sitting position, clutching his head as a sharp pain hammered against his skull.

"Amen's personal stash. Potent stuff," Feyre chuckled. "Though, I suppose you'll survive."

"Ha ha, thanks, Feyre darling," he groaned, pushing himself to his feet. He ignored the dizziness that washed over him. "What time is it?"

"You missed lunch," she answered with a shit eating grin. "But don't worry. No one will be teasing you about it."

He sighed. He really shouldn't have drunk that bottle of wine, but it was too late now. He just had to deal with the consequences.

"We'll talk after I've had something to eat."

No one said a word as he stumbled into the dining room and took a seat. It was worse than the teasing they would normally give him. He swore right then and there he would never indulge in such potent wine again.

At least his head had stopped pounding.

"Anyone have any updates?" he asked as he waved away the remnants of the meal.

Everyone shook their heads, but Azriel looked deep in thought.


"They've just passed into the Summer Court," he replied. "One is a human girl and the other I'm unsure of. It's female, but always shifting. I think it's also human."

"We'll head to the Summer Court then," he concluded. "Alert Tarquin that if he gets his hands on them to hold them until we get there."

Azriel nodded and vanished of a cloud of darkness.

"Amren, stay behind and keep an eye on things?"

She waved him off, used to being left behind.

He turned to his mate. "Shall we?" 

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